• congrats to 6500th post. :)

    I feel like a zombie now because I can't go to bed 9:30 at the latest. :(
    I received your gift while you were away on holiday,i want to thank you very much for it,it was quite a surprise!
    ask corrissey about little terence,she seems to be in love with him,haha (i posted a few pictures.)
    you are a skilled craftswoman,and again thank you.
    HAHA, that was fun yesterday! MEOW! :o) How're you feeling? What's new with you? I'm ok. It's so frigging HOT here and I'm swimming in humidity. Have you knitted any more of your fabulous dolls? Who taught you that? It looks really complicated, but you're good! Hope you're having a good evening. :o)
    Hello Kate
    The lovely Amy is in Hull for the week - I've organised some journalism work experience at the Mail for her. I know you don't live very far from Hull, so how would you feel about a visit from the two of us? We could make it any night, except Tuesday or Friday. Please let me know as I think Amy would really enjoy meeting you.
    Amy, I've done this. I used to live next door to this bitch who would leave the country and just leave her cat Georgia to fend for herself. She couldn't even go inside. So I took her and she and Kit made friends, and Georgia got very attached to us. Then the girl was pissed because because Georgia didn't want to go back to her apartment. She marched into my apartment and grabbed the cat. I protested, saying she was never home, and she should thank me. "Thank you?" she snarled. "Georgia is MY cat, not yours. What do you think- should I have allowed Georgia into the apartment?
    I mean....

    nicking a cat which doesnt get fed very often and feeding it ourselves :p most of the time we put it straight out after, but recently we've let it stay in and sleep a bit. Last night I didnt want to put it out, so it stayed until about 5am when it was light and then went and sat outside in the garden again :o
    what are your views on fostering cats owned by other people, cats mother??? :p
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