All UK/European gigs postponed due to "logistical circumstances beyond our control" - management

As I mentioned earlier today, this has now come to pass.

'Logistical issues'.

From @gigsandtours / Twitter:

NEWS// Morrissey tour statement.

Due to logistical circumstances beyond our control, the UK/European Morrissey concerts scheduled for July will be postponed.

We deeply regret any inconvenience to the fans and promise to reschedule UK and European dates as soon as possible.

All original purchasers from official ticket outlets will have the full ticket fee refunded, including booking fee, to their credit/debit cards. Refunds from ticket agents will be actioned from midday on Monday 2nd July.

The LIHS World Tour will continue, starting back up in Mexico City on November 23rd.

Watch for more dates to be added soon!

The LIHS World Tour has been Morrissey’s most successful tour to date, having achieved record business for the artist in both the U.S. and the UK.

We thank all the fans for their support. -

Media coverage:
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The latest arab to refuse me medical care had to close down his clinic over some scandal the papers report. I did a test on him a few years ago sending in my application for a knee operation by sending my print screen leaving the bookmarks on top visible.

This guy thought one bookmark was a political party not into foreigners but it was in fact a bookmark for a clothes store. He refused me a consultation using some mumbo jumbo explanation and so I became interested.

I googled his name and up popped an article from swedens biggest newspaper in which he was named and shamed for having assaulted two security guards at the Stockholm central train station. Yeah, that is a guy I would love to hand over my knee to and have it operated on NOT.

And now he has been found out doing something illegal at his clinic and that ends his career in this country. Karma is the greatest bitch ever.

Sweden, where your political views means you are refused medical care!
this happen here...

My point is that in London stabbings by blacks (mostly on blacks) are
And what exactly does that have to do with anything? Crime happens everywhere.
There is a growing trend of this type of crime in London - by and large black youths stabbing/killing each other. Every single day.
You said you moved from London because of people like me - what about people like this?
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My point is that in London stabbings by blacks (mostly on blacks) are

There is a growing trend of this type of crime in London - by and large black youths stabbing/killing each other. Every single day.
You said you've moved from London because of people like me - what about people like this?
Getting stabbed by black people as a white person is the new white privilege.


Swap "black" with muslim.
He can only be a fan of himself and has a ego issue of gigantic proportions. He even failed at the job he had here and claims to be behind this and that scientific study but last I checked he was working for a detergent company producing soap and he has never denied that.
I have info and files on everyone on this site and one day I will let everyone read it by posting the link to the website in question that is now locked with username and password.

You are the Haslam of this site. A master in extortion!
And what exactly does that have to do with anything? Crime happens everywhere.
It happens especially where they pack migrants in like sardines. The original locals flee and the area turns into a ghetto shithole. A few years down the line you get the second generation - angry, sullen and resentful. That's why knife killings are so popular in London right now.
The floodgates opened in '97.
Thanks Blair.
It happens especially where they pack migrants in like sardines. The original locals flee and the area turns into a ghetto shithole. A few years down the line you get the second generation - angry, sullen and resentful. That's why knife killings are so popular in London right now.
The floodgates opened in '97.
Thanks Blair.
May 1997 I arrived in Manchester a day or two after he won the election and those scenes outside Downing Street. Me and dad went to Downing Street as close as we could get 10 years earlier when the then chancellor of the exchequer came out with that cute little handbag.


I had drinks in the Dog & Partridge where United was actually formed as a club cause they signed the papers in there and Bernard and his mate entertained me. I also spoke with a young lad who unfortunately had to end his career due to a serious injury cause he was on the books of United and was promising as well.

Feels like yesterday and I have pictures from it somewhere around here.
I still stay Morrissey's not a racist, but it's not surprising the rabid media/sns complex is trying to character assassinate him as one. Sam should've talked to him about that instead of the importance of memes and Instagram and all that shite.

Well yes. There's one person and only one person responsible for this whole debacle.
No, he should be called to task on his statements. Grilled, even. But again, in this era there's no discussion. This is exacerbated by Morrissey's steadfast unwillingness to apologize (except for Norway, if memory serves). The internet is like "Oh, you won't express regret? We'll savage your reputation until you're done."

Does that mean you think he shouldn't be challenged and/or condemned?
He's the ultimate misanthrope, and if people of other races come into that frame it'll be quickly regarded as racism. He wanted to play Tehran, he has openly admired several African-American artists. He's an older, white, Englishman (of immigrants, nonetheless) with some out-of-date ideas about the world, immigration, and other issues. I can't stand his views on Israel, for example, but I still stay it's a far leap to "racist". In retrospect, most of this stuff will be looked at as a footnote -- albeit a long one.

You do know what the term "racist" actually means, right? Just because someone doesn't come out and say "I don't like black people" doesn't mean that they don't hold racist views. It's not only about white people thinking they are superior to other races, it's far more complex than that and you know this. You know that he is an Islamaphobe, a xenophobe, and supports a far-right, anti-immigration party that consists of ex-National Front and BNP members as well as flat out holocaust-deniers. So you tell me how that is any different? If it walks like a duck....
Good points all, but I did say "orchestrated" by Morrissey himself. He absolutely knows what buttons he's pushing. But what he's not familiar with is the level of a media/sns-led takedown -- he knows now. It. Does. Not. Stop.
If you fall on the "wrong side," you risk being endlessly bashed, too. If you come up with the brilliant idea of a "I used to worship Morrissey, but..." article, you're rewarded with pay. An article going the against the tidal narrative gets no traction.

I would argue that the social media aspect is just democracy in action, the kind where people can affect things in a direct way. The likes of Tommy Robinson and Morrissey can put their ideas forward and people will respond in kind. If the response is firmly in favour for or against it doesn't mean it's orchestrated or a campaign, it's just that generally people will fall on one side or another and one side generally wins.
You don't even realise it is an insult and by the way the romans buried you in the ground to let your stupid believers remain thinking you were still alive somewhere else.
The bones were found and tested and now we know there is no god. What a stupid idea to begin with.

The one thing I dislike the most is the word "we" used when one man is speaking. You "know" nothing. You believe what you believe is true. Others disagree regardless of how they choose to express their faith. Some things are true whether you believe in them or not. To use judgement words like "stupid" displays your narrow mindedness for all to see.

I am not speaking about the facts as you recount them, but rather the need to try and bring the world together today. Two wrongs do not make a right, and the crimes of the past should be redressed in the right way. You seem to me to be the kind of person to completely disregard the works of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela and so many others. Standing up for human rights in a humane way is a method that has been proven effective, and it will again in the hands and through the words of new prophets who value all human life. You are free to hold onto your beliefs and on your death bed (the real one) you will then be proven right or wrong.
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Why can't we talk about elitism? I looked up the figure for the ratio of millionaires in the 2010 coalition (I can't be bothered to look it up again now, but it was high). How is this representative of the country as a whole?. Sort out the class equality in this country and racism would be much reduced. I can't stand ELITISM and I hate ELITISTS. The class system in this country is the cause of intolerance.
No, he should be called to task on his statements. Grilled, even. But again, in this era there's no discussion. This is exacerbated by Morrissey's steadfast unwillingness to apologize (except for Norway, if memory serves). The internet is like "Oh, you won't express regret? We'll savage your reputation until you're done."
Utter nonsense. You're free to pull me up on anything, I'm free to pull you up on anything. There isn't a campaign, just a large bunch of disappointed fans expressing their disappointment at a bigot. That's how free speech works. It isn't just free speech for those you agree with.
Usually I would read about something like this first on Solo. This time I’ve been brought here by a national newspaper, with 30+ pages of comments before mine.

I wonder whether Haslam will still proceed with his party. Can’t imagine many Morrissey fans who have already booked tickets and travel, will still decide to go and instead attend Haslam’s do.
South asian LOL

This reply shows us that people in this day and age simply have no clue when they should just resist replying.
The definition of asians in Britain shows us that the schooling there sucks a giant knob.

You just proved my point!

You have no point, you ramble for the sake of it.
From Finnish venue...

All of Morrissey's English and European concerts in July have been moved to the future. The organizer regrets the extra effort of the fans and tries to get a new date as soon as possible.

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