Lynne Spears is a bitch.

You would think though that this football player would have at one point come up and said - yeah I tapped that.

could point, though maybe he was seeing someone else and they are still somehow together, perhaps they got married

but yeah you are correct, i would have thought he would have come forward .
stolen from superfish:

I'm starting to think the title of the book should've been Through the Storm - of Shit that I Created Because I Have the Parenting Skills of a Lawnmower. I mean, Christ, what was the point of this thing? Other than to surprise us all that Britney hasn't stripped naked and hijacked a school bus yet. That was the point? Well then, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
Lynne Spears is mother of Britney and Jamie Lynne Spears who is only good at exploiting her own daughters for money.

You know I am looking for a running mate for the upcoming Morrissey Solo Presidential Elections. A Buzzetta / Kewpie team would be unbeatable.

Am I right in thinking her brother is the ONLY ONE who is not completely crazy?
And nowhere in that article does she say that she ever tried to help her daughter.
Let's not upset the cash cow by telling her she can't snort coke.
You'd think she would, so Britney wouldn't spend all her money on said coke. but I mean, yea. be sensible? Naw...not that family.
Wow. My mother writing a book about the scandalous things that occurred in my life... that's the shortest story ever told.
I always thought it was earlier than that. :D
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