Morrissey - the new Viz character

I hope Morrissey's loved ones don't read 'Viz". Who knows what mental traumas might accrue to them whilst reading a nine panel comic strip. :(

When I was a youngster, my grandpa used to tell me that it didn't matter what people said about me as long as they mentioned my name.

Of course, he told me that before words like "crackwhore" became popular.
Brilliant - if you can't laugh at Viz, what can you laugh at!
I have always loved Viz. I intend to write scripts for them, send them off and see what comes of it, such as the Fat Slags pimp Roman Polanski for the price of 20 pizzas on a Friday night in Paris :lbf:
"Slight bump?" A bottle of water (if it was a bottle) could weigh around a pound.

I'm going to do an experiment. I'm going to throw a bottle of water and my backwash at your face without warning, then make you sing songs about your personal life to me for another hour. How would you feel about me after that? And smile while you do that.

Ha ha.... Very funny. I love VIZ.
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