Moz/Smiths tattoo


No time to be 21
Ok here goes, I've seen many fantastic Moz/Smiths tattoos and have decided that as a fan of 23 years (yes, i'm now 42) i want one. What i would like is for you to help me... Has anyone got a simple design. something like MORRISSEY in old english, or the ROTR emblam, or anything else interesting that i could take to the tattooist for him to trace. I know its a cheek and possibly lazy on my part but i thought i'd give it a go. Whatever i get done i promise to post it and show you all. Many thanks for any help and support on this.
Take care and keep on rockin'
My dear sir, (and i say that after detective work) whilst your help has been invaluable, as it always is, you seem to totally underestimate the level of my laziness.:D I have indeed looked around at the fine collection of tattoos people are adorning, and wonderfull they are, each and every one.
The ROTT emblam i will admit had been missed, but if i wanted to have "MORRISSEY" tattoo'd somewhere on my personage what is the best font to use? i've got a couple of "Old English" fonts but they don't look right. Or if anyone else had a good idea that i could get, well great.


P.S Thanks for the links.
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