Song meanings

There's also a great double entendre in the follow-on line regarding the size of Morrissey's genitals, which seems to pass most casual listeners by:

"Me - without clothes?
Well a nation turns its back and gags -
And I'm packed"

Except this isn't quite the way you put it. :)

Me - without clothes?
Well a nation turns its back and gags

Followed by...

I'm packed
I am moving house
a half-life disappears today

Or maybe “packed” refers to Morrissey getting his shit pushed in.

Can someone please pick apart maudlin st.?

Yes, read his biography, may just shed light on the tracks meaning- (Them were rotten days...)
In response to your thread header, understand the man and understand his mind do some further research of his life, experiences, beliefs, passions etc, etc, there you will surely find the key to his lyrical genius. Heres a little one for you, work this out. "At amber" and why I sign off as "Eddie Riff"


Eddie Riff
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