
What do you mean by "killing homosexuals" and "promotes the killing homosexuals"?

I don't know what you mean, but my guess is, that by how this site is run, this would fall under that person's opinion.

It is a fallacy of a few anti-Christians on this website to think that all Christians are the same and that what one Christian says means that all Christians have said it. It is a funny way of thinking.

In the past I had always been one of the few people in real life interactions who actually spoke to homosexuals. I was sometimes asked if I knew that the person was homosexual. Of course I did, because they had said they were. It is an irony in itself that I am so forcefully opposed here by certain people.

Thanks for your response.

Sorry, typo. Should have read "the killing of homosexuals".

In the Madonna video it proclaims her as a siren, raises the possibility that practices bestiality and also her intention to deceive the public into accepting homosexuality.

About halfway through the video it quotes some scripture

"...and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their perversion...those who practice such things are worthy of death...

Romans 1:24-27, 32b"

By linking to this site, it implies (and I could be wrong here) that you support the site's content. If that is the case, how do you reconcile that belief with being a Morrissey fan?

If you don't support those views, is it right to bring attention to a site that does?

(Just to let you know, I wasn't being factitious when I said it's an interesting site. I really meant that!)

EDIT - I would also like to add that my question isn't about philosophies or theological beliefs. I think people should be free to believe in whatever they like insofar that it doesn't seek to incite violence or harm again certain groups in society such as gays, women, kuffars, etc.
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Speaking if off topic, the sute in question also talks about how incredibly powerful an influential music is on people, attacking some acts that sing of anti-christian themes because they feel that by putting these ideas to music it becomes too easy for listeners to absorb and adopt those beliefs. I put forward this very forum as evidence that music may not be as powerful a persuader as they fear. We all (I think) listen to far more Morrissey than is perhaps healthy, yet among us our religious beliefs span the spectrum. Just had a funny thought - what would they have made of the Dolls?

I was also fascinates by their analysis of The Truman Show, one of my favourite movies. Their thesis is that the movie is intentionally gnostic and an overt attack in Christianity. I have always found the movie to have strong religious overtones, but has not considered it to be anti-Christian. In fact, I found it PRO-judeochristian, with the controller of the fake world being named Christof (Christ-off, ie, the devil) telling people to accepttheir temporary self-centered material lives as the ultimate reality, promising them false safety, when in fact their true spiritual lives awaited their rejection of the devil and the attachment to bodily life. I know there's a bit of eastern philosophy in there, but the point is that regardless of the filmmakers intent, it is easy enough to interpret the story through a christian lens.

I was also slightly amused at their analysis of Fight Club simply because it is not a movie I would have dreamt of looking to for spiritual or religious guidance in a million years.
Except when Jukebox Jury posted a picture of a baby with an Adolf Hitler hair style and 'tache.... eh?
That was a joke....but he got banned....

I'm fed up with the same old mud slinging.
I was harassed by him almost a year, in the end site administrator had no choice to ban him.

It is totally disrespectful and rude to keep challenging site administrator's policy.
Except when Jukebox Jury posted a picture of a baby with an Adolf Hitler hair style and 'tache.... eh?
That was a joke....but he got banned....

I am watching a tv show on the military channel right now about Adolf Hitler.
If I post a picture and a brief description of the show, will I be banned?
I like to sit and stare.

In swedish stare is a kind of bird.
I am watching a tv show on the military channel right now about Adolf Hitler.
If I post a picture and a brief description of the show, will I be banned?

No, but if you direct the image at someone you've been warned about harassing several times over the last year then yes, you might be. It's similar to a child being told not to do something but keeps pushing the limits, eventually it's understandable if the parent has had enough. People keep pointing to this final post but that was not the sole reason for the ban.
Ah, people are so sensitive, but there's a saying:-
"Better the devil you know.."
"If you can't stand the heat stay out of the fire.."
and I could go on and on, but really
trolls are only dangerous when they post in massive enormous
fonts and bog the site down.....
dark siiiidedd
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