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Irvine, CA (Mar. 5, 2000)

The Fans Once again

Posted By: Shad0wplay <[email protected]>
Date: Tuesday, Mar. 7 2000, at 6:49 a.m.

Im not complaing about the show... It was one of
Morrisseys best performances I'VE seen, and i consider
myself a new fan, even though i own all of Mozs
albums, all the Smiths, etc. I consider myself a huge
fan, and this was not the first time ive seen him.
However I feel the problem with the crowds at this
show was mainly the people that came for THE FASHION, not the MUSIC. I saw alot of "rebels" who just came
along because it was the place to be, and , well the
ones around me, at least, kind of acquired this sort
of mob mentality. I live in So Cal and i have a few
rebel friends, so its nothing against them. However ,
it all comes down to this. If your a fan you should be
in the pit, fighting to touch Moz because its all you
want at that moment, not because you wanna beat the
@#!!! out of someone for touching your girlfriend in
the pit, or just to beat someone period. Damn I even
saw a couple skinheads, who are usually notorious for
senseless violence, and they were singing along arms
outstreched to reach MOZ!!!(they wont admit it.)I am
more than willing to take a beating just at the
possibility to touch Moz, but why should i have to
defend myself against someone who shouldnt even be
there?I can even understand defending your
girlfriend,but @#!!!, this isnt a godamn Death metal
show. If you wanna drink and fight , go see the
Business or the Exploited, not Morrissey.

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