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Stay As You Are

From Morrissey-solo Wiki
Name Stay As You Are
Album/single Unreleased
Length Unknown
Writer/composer Morrissey / Alain Whyte
Producer Steve Lillywhite
Release Not applicable
Recorded 1993


Mozipedia cites Jonny Bridgwood as a source to confirm the unreleased track:

"As Bridgwood notes, ‘It’s a typical Morrissey/Alain song. In 6/8 time, fairly laidback. Morrissey might have had something great planned for the vocal melody but without one it’s a bit nondescript. The way Morrissey worked, we had titles but we only got the full picture at the end when he added his vocal. “Stay As You Are” was one of those which never got that far, so there was no picture.’"


Live History

Play count (Morrissey concert): 0