Recent content by Don Cheadle

  1. Don Cheadle

    Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

    Kewpie went black and has never come back
  2. Don Cheadle

    Hey, Moz? Feel better, sweetie. Get well soon thread!

    If Morrissey would've spit instead of swallowed then none of these shows would have been postponed...
  3. Don Cheadle

    Sexuality and the selling of music

    Yeah, he isn't much of a bad.
  4. Don Cheadle

    Sexuality and the selling of music

    It's okay...I already gave it it's own thread about 10 minutes ago in Off Topic.
  5. Don Cheadle

    Sexuality and the selling of music

    you win...a Myspace profile. Congrats!
  6. Don Cheadle

    Boycott Morrissey!!!

    At least I didn't post the porno you did with the one-legged Spanish dwarf that had elephantitus...
  7. Don Cheadle

    Sexuality and the selling of music

    Out of sympathy...she's so ugly she removed her own avatar.
  8. Don Cheadle

    Boycott Morrissey!!!

    You're just bitter we all know what you look like without make-up.
  9. Don Cheadle

    Boycott Morrissey!!!

    Don Cheadle is the man whose foot is gonna be broken off in your ass. You racist motherf***er.
  10. Don Cheadle

    Sexuality and the selling of music

    Even his ashes couldn't fit in something THAT small.
  11. Don Cheadle

    Boycott Morrissey!!!

    I'm Don Cheadle. No one arrests Don Cheadle.
  12. Don Cheadle

    Boycott Morrissey!!!

    You can't talk your way out of this one white boy. Your ass is mine. And after I'm done, you'll be hearing from Al Sharpton and the NAACP. We're gonna bury you like you were the "N" Word.
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