Recent content by elsberry

  1. elsberry

    Post your Morrissey artwork here

    thanks. :)
  2. elsberry

    Post your Morrissey artwork here

    erm.... "artwork" might not be the right term. Mind you, I actually do like Morrissey naked...
  3. elsberry

    Post your Morrissey artwork here

    ...and you can! :D
  4. elsberry

    Post your Morrissey artwork here

    I really like this one, it's just the football I feel that doesn't match. apart from that - whoooooa :)
  5. elsberry

    Post your Morrissey artwork here

    another one....
  6. elsberry

    Post your Morrissey artwork here

    I did the hair and the linework with different illustrator brushes, background is a llitle traced and then adjusted. ;)
  7. elsberry

    Post your Morrissey artwork here

    some vector/photoshop without too many detail.. :rolleyes:
  8. elsberry

    Moz calls gig off after 3 songs!

    incredibly enough I just got back from london today, having seen the first two shows, then being sad about not scoring a ticket for wednesday and then being sad about having to get back to germany. and now this! I feel blessed and sad for my friends who are over there still.....
  9. elsberry

    luggage lockers in camden?

    thanks, Kewpie! I found out that bringing relatively large bags to the roundhouse might not be a very good idea, so I was wondering. But as I'm staying for a week almost, there's no other way. I'll try Euston then, or maybe leave it at Livepool Street when I come in from Stansted.... Thanks...
  10. elsberry

    luggage lockers in camden?

    anyone got any ideas where to put my luggage when arriving in camden on monday? are there lockers at camden tube station? I can only check in my accomodation from 8 p.m. and that's a little too late, right? any ideas would be appreciated.
  11. elsberry

    morrissey frink thread!

    my friend took this. I scanned it from a proper paper-picture, it was all foggy, nothing more to get out of it... but it was a moment to remember, for sure!
  12. elsberry

    Moz/Smiths Tattoos

    thanks grim! I should have figured this out by now... oh well.... as for the crowned fish.. I know this is widely considered to be a christian symbol as in jesus fishing for the lost souls or whatever. and maybe it is. but then again the nice thing about it is that is's a symbol morrissey used...
  13. elsberry

    Moz/Smiths Tattoos

    I got this many years ago, I always liked it a lot cause it gives away so little and is recognized only by people "in the know". which is quite fantastic really. lot's of lovely stories... and it`s my only one so far... but over the years I've grown a strong urge to get more. get a bigger...
  14. elsberry

    morrissey frink thread!

    this is craigh gannon. he used to be in the smiths. well, for a short time.... edit: sorry, it`s "craig" of course
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