Recent content by IanTowning

  1. IanTowning

    What should JJ's next name be?

    The best footballer in the world, Wayne Rooney.
  2. IanTowning

    Viva Morrissey @ Dry Bar, Manchester on Morrissey's Birthday!

    I think Uncle Skinny is a good mod too but someone didn't agree with us. I recall reading on the main board Uncle Skinny's name, address, links to his work site, and the suggestion to write complaints to his place of employment. His partner's work details as well were posted. I apologise not...
  3. IanTowning

    Viva Morrissey @ Dry Bar, Manchester on Morrissey's Birthday!

    I still maintain my original point concerning the advertising of VM on this board.
  4. IanTowning

    Viva Morrissey @ Dry Bar, Manchester on Morrissey's Birthday!

    Yes, I do hope Paul remains charming to you.
  5. IanTowning

    Viva Morrissey @ Dry Bar, Manchester on Morrissey's Birthday!

    Let me put it in another way. You create a site to inform people of Morrissey's Manchester and pay a monthy fee to do so which includes a message board. Someone then posts vile things against you and the nature of the personal attacks are so outrageous you ban this person from the site. Some...
  6. IanTowning

    Viva Morrissey @ Dry Bar, Manchester on Morrissey's Birthday!

    What does any of this have to do with remarks made by a member of this tribute band towards the admin of this Morrissey site?
  7. IanTowning

    Viva Morrissey @ Dry Bar, Manchester on Morrissey's Birthday!

    I believe you are the rude one. The Moz impersonator was disrespectul to the site admin and you are using this site to advertise his band?
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