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  1. D

    Morrissey Without Eyebrows
  2. D

    Is Morrissey "high maintenance"?

    I think a pain in the arse is when he tells you he's going to show up for interviews but then cancels at the last minute.
  3. D

    Is Morrissey "high maintenance"?

    I was speaking with someone very senior in the music industry who works quite a bit with Morrissey. I had better not name him. When I asked him how we was to deal with he just rolled his eyes and said "an absolute pain in the arse". Life would be boring without the odd pain in the arse though...
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    Stop giving out about the band murdering This Charming Man

    I haven't listened to a Morrissey gig in perhaps a decade or two, but I've listened to Smiths gigs every week. It was interested to hear his set at Glastonbury. I thought his vocals were excellent and still had great delivery. His stage presence wasn't quite as it was in the day, but some time...
  5. D

    Troy Tate sessions straight from master posted on

    The final finished Troy Tate album is in circulation, just not general circulation. I'm sure it will end up here one day.
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    Troy Tate sessions straight from master posted on

    I'm not sure the pitch out by quite that much, but it has been fixed and remastered by Drew at The Power Of Independent Trucking and available as a torrent at smithstorrents.
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    Troy Tate sessions straight from master posted on

    Stephane's hunch is that Tate 1 were actually John Porter's attempt to fix up the Troy Tate sessions. Lots more debate here.
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    Troy Tate sessions straight from master posted on

    This is big news in my world. Soundsville Paul, hitherto off-radar, has surfaced and seeded a cassette of the Troy Tate sessions taken straight from the master. It's a big upgrade on anything I've heard before. Troy Tate Recordings Complete - ...I'm sure most...
  9. D

    Smiths and Morrissey pictures you may not have seen

    Yes. In 1985. This is one of Steve Catterall's photos. There's a great tale to it here.
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