10 More Questions

oh mindless ruffian were you at the notorious cha-cha's show?
1. When you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up?
I knew that I wanted was a passport, some credit cards, and the car keys. I didn't especially care how I got them.

2. Who, besides Morrissey, is your favorite musical artist?
I only listen to classical nowadays

3. What did you have for dinner last night?

4. What are you looking forward to?
the leftover soup

5. What was your last creative project?
my taxes

6. Best live performance you've ever seen, other than Morrissey (who doesn't perform)?
I like street performers

7. Where do you wish to go for your dream vacation?
We'd just drive around looking for ruins and ghost towns, old churches and used CD shops, stopping for breaks in small town libraries, sleeping under the stars.

8. How would you describe your home decorating style?
Ikea with pretentions

9. What is your favorite Smiths song? Morrissey song?
There is a light and Hairdresser On Fire

10. Favorite TV show of all time?
PBS Mystery, RIP
Rilo Kiley used to be amazing. Why did they go so rubbish? :tears:

I know. Under The Blacklight was really disappointing, especially after the wonderful double whammy of The Execution of All Things and (mostly) More Adventurous. Sad really. :tears: I've heard a few songs from Jenny's solo album, but wasn't astounded so I didn't bother getting it.
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