"California Son" Test Pressings for sale at Mporium


I’ll use the term “Test Pressing” loosely. 100 copies at £100 each. I think I’ll give this one a miss.

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Lol, saved me typing!
I would add:
Get them before they are 'signed' and rendered worthless ;)
Test pressing my arse. The only things these records are 'testing' is how gullible Morrissey's fan base is.
As it ever was, it's all about the money. CHING CHING CHING.
of course its all about the money.why do you go out and work,what do you get paid in,monkeys nuts
of course its all about the money.why do you go out and work,what do you get paid in,monkeys nuts

very important personage Skinny,a master of many arts and an organizational
work is beneath him. dole is his thing.:sick:

i think they ( S and the SPs) want Moz to work and take the money he makes and establish
a Private Dole for him, the NameDroppingSockPuppet, that wanker Haslaam
and numerous other non working Islamic twats.o_O
california son info
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