Do you hate America like Morrissey?

Do you hate America?

  • Yes:

    Votes: 19 35.2%
  • No:

    Votes: 35 64.8%

  • Total voters
Capitalism is not an ideology, it's a mode of production. And historically speaking, it's a very young one. It's hardly had much time to outlast too many alternatives. And it's moving from crisis to crisis. So I really won't say there's anything "natural" about it.

whatever you want to call it.

Capitalism strives on crisis. it's kinda one of my points when i say war war war.

you are right, it is very young like communism...time will tell.

as far as it being natural, Darwinism plays into capitalism which is why i think it is powerful and able to outlast alternatives.
Personally, I love America (USA, etc etc). And I know Mozzer does too. And lest we forget, he started the tour here......
People tend to want the front runner to fail, just like in sports. Even music, there alot of people that love bands, until they succeed or gain mass appeal, then theyre crap. the ideal that is 'America' is very much alive and well. You dont have to like Bush, but it shouldnt change your opinion on the country. Thats the great part about a democracy........just wait 4 years or 8.
Actually the states are more of a mixed economy than a completely capitalist one. Welfare (which sucks anyways) and anti-monopoly laws (that don't work) come to mind.

And who knows where we will be in 20 years? China could dump all our stocks on the market and turn us into a 3rd world country. Oh how Ironic would that be? :D
11 YES votes so far...Funny since seems only Shaw took a firm stance saying s/he hates America politically. So, I imagine Shaw was one of those yes votes, on the basis of politics (even though s/he says the people are nice! - and isn't the country a product of its people?) So, again as another said, it is incredibly flawed to make a broad sweeping generalization, such as this poll sets out to do.

Whenever i have visited America i've always enjoyed the people were always nice to me but i don't really like the country tbh. Sounds contradictory i know but poilitically i hate it and also the arrogance sometimes shown by some.
And who knows where we will be in 20 years? China could dump all our stocks on the market and turn us into a 3rd world country. Oh how Ironic would that be? :D

Not ironic at all, Chica and I would then have an excuse to get you to move to Europe w/ us!
I don't hate America, but I strongly disapprove of the acts being committed in my name as an American - both domestically and overseas.

I have a vague idea of how things unraveled over the long term (the US developed too much along Hamiltonian lines), but how to undo it? Until Americans actually vote in sufficient numbers, nothing's gonna change. The development of a professional political class (a not very classy one) has made it easy for us to avoid the responsibilities associated with participatory government. And now, it seems that civil non-partisan political debate is almost impossible here - you get shouting matches and name calling. WTF?

People probably do get the government they deserve, but the sucky part in this case is that the whole world has to deal with the U.S. government, not just Americans. I do have hope, though.
This poll is rather absurd, but the discussion is not.

Of course I don't hate America[U.S.] infact I love it, otherwise I wouldn't live here. Just like in any other country or region of the world, most of it's people totally suck.....but there are great people in it too [ME, for example :)]

I think the BIG problem with the U.S. these days is the corrupt/evil/insane government we have......these people are complete morons who dont' know what the hell they're doing.
Bushie and company are arrogant bitches too, they will never admit to making mistakes and will never accept any other way other than their's, even after they've been proven to be wrong mostly about everything[specially Iraq War]

Unfortunately, it's almost impossible for a Presidential assasination to take place these days [would be wonderful!!]....So what we have to do is wait it out. Bushie only has 2 years left and very soon he will enter the "lame duck' period of his presidency, where he'll become almost useless and ignored..Yay!!

Also the mid-term elections are coming up in exactly one month and there is more than just great hope that the Democrats will take control of both House and Senate of congress......How cool would it be if the Republicans loose their power because of a Homo-Perv scandal involving them, after all the relentless Gay-bashing they've been doing for the last 6 years......I'd be so beautiful!!!!!
If Bushie's party looses control of congress, he will be in DEEP SH*T for the next two years....not only will he become irrelevant, he'll also become subject to oversight, congressional hearings for many of his people, and will be forced to compromise.....something he's not familiar with at all.
You people concerned with the U.S. government should feel good that there's a ray of hope in the horizon......the Democrats are PIGS just as much as the Republicans, but at least they think before they act....sometimes anyway, and they're not as EVIL!
House Speaker - Nanci Pelosi will be so awsome.....cant' wait!!
didn't vote... why, because i can't say i hate/love america, like i can't say i hate iraq or russia. lots of good things like popular culture comes from the usa: films, rock n roll etc then you hear on the news of the murder of five little girls, do i hate amercia for it's gun laws, it's messed up society... but is the one i live in any better! i don't live there (USA) and i don't want to either, i don't mind the odd visit (which i have done) meet some nice people but i've meet a american who isn't so nice, how do i judge all these people on the few i've met. a nation built from the blood of the it's 1st native people to the blood of the slaves who built it's industry, but isn't that like my country (uk). the war on terror has become a blood bath but isn't the president trying to protect his people from harm, it's a mistake but isn't war anyway! lot of proganda and polictics i don't understand... but i don't hate or love the country, don't know what i would change and i can't anyway. i tolerate it, like i have to do with the country i live in. i vote when it comes and hopefully that will make the difference.
I just think George Bush is a moron and it's frightening
that he's in charge of them (Americans).
What i don't get is that Ive never known any member of the American public to back Bush and yet he wins elections? I supose those that do support just keep quiet about it

anyway i dont hate the US just the Americanisation of the UK
What i don't get is that Ive never known any member of the American public to back Bush and yet he wins elections? I supose those that do support just keep quiet about it

anyway i dont hate the US just the Americanisation of the UK

Americanisation of the UK is something i forgot and i hate it too! thank you for reminding me!
Americanisation of the UK is something i forgot and i hate it too! thank you for reminding me!

Im not here to advocate Americanisation of anyplace. I would like to think when I go visit a foreign land that their culture is firmly rooted. We must remember that its not Americas fault that the UK or any other country embraces Americanism whatever form it takes. We here complain about Japanese industry or "Made In China" taking over and taking jobs, but we cannot blame Japan or China, because it is completely up to us whether we accept or reject their products.
Im not here to advocate Americanisation of anyplace. I would like to think when I go visit a foreign land that their culture is firmly rooted. We must remember that its not Americas fault that the UK or any other country embraces Americanism whatever form it takes. We here complain about Japanese industry or "Made In China" taking over and taking jobs, but we cannot blame Japan or China, because it is completely up to us whether we accept or reject their products.

Nice post! I'd like to say that we should just ramdomly blame Canada for all of this and get it over with but it's more complicated than that.

"Americanisation" is spread all over the globe not just the UK.... in Latin America it is vast and even in Iran, young people are all into our culture and way of living. It's mostly capitalism/corporations/commerce the ones to blame for this......[We The People] have nothing to do with this.
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Im not here to advocate Americanisation of anyplace. I would like to think when I go visit a foreign land that their culture is firmly rooted. We must remember that its not Americas fault that the UK or any other country embraces Americanism whatever form it takes. We here complain about Japanese industry or "Made In China" taking over and taking jobs, but we cannot blame Japan or China, because it is completely up to us whether we accept or reject their products.

I can't speak for other countries. i don't blame americans for this! it's our own lazyness in it's young and a forgotten nationalism.
popluar culture has taken it turn from when britian lead in the way of pop music and fashion, in the 60s/70s/80s. we have accepted fast food chains on every high street, because of modern society (and the changes of work and the family structure), which has been damaging to the health of the nation of this country and in the USA. But it has always been there from the role models in poplular culture such as film,tv and music since it all began.
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