Is Anyone Else Sick To Death...

maybe we should all furiously click the banner so david gets a contract renewal but only if they change the picture!
Like most advertising on most sites I go to I ignore it... It is necessary and some people must actually click one of those banners from time to time otherwise the advertisers would not spend their money supporting the site. A more interesting question is "who ARE these people" and what did they actually buy from the site linked to the banner?

I have been looking into ways to help fund my websites too - and I thought about doing the advertising, but I find it distressing that I can't screen the ads to make sure that it only reflects sites or products of which I approve. On my morbid site, for example, I did a test of Google Ads and because I mention so many different things in my Morbid Fact Du Jour newsletter, I found that it would bring up things that had nothing to do with morbidity - but had to do with items mentioned in the postings. Like "Trips to Alaska" just because somebody was murdered in Alaska or something. On the Smiths site, I might have better luck. Oh, it's such a dilemma - to sell out and afford the sites, or to not sell out and be broke all the time???
On my morbid site, for example, I did a test of Google Ads and because I mention so many different things in my Morbid Fact Du Jour newsletter, I found that it would bring up things that had nothing to do with morbidity - but had to do with items mentioned in the postings.

That's your site?!? I've known about that for years, but I must confess to reading it only occasionally.

/whoops--that's 1000. I promised to stop at 999. Damn!
Thank you for saying it...finally someone..
I just thought I was an asshole complaining too much, but I guess it does bug everyone else too. I don't mind ads, but switch em up every now and then.
That's your site?!? I've known about that for years, but I must confess to reading it only occasionally.

/whoops--that's 1000. I promised to stop at 999. Damn!

Yeah, that's my site. Morrissey & Morbidity - my prime obsessions!
It's interesting that the sleek look he had during the Maladjusted tour was so at odds with the scruffy photo on the album cover (possibly the worst publicity shot of Moz ever taken).

What is truly unfortunate is that the rear sleeve photo from the LP version was not used as the front cover. Morrissey still looks somewhat disheveled and unshaven, but he had a smoldering look of defiance on his face that fit the title quite well.

I actually liked the attempt to remove himself from the quiff image, like he refused to be caricatured any longer. I can recall being very shocked when he went on David Letterman, which was the first American appearance with the short 'do. I think he gave up on it too soon.


Waiting with bated breath for Moz on Letterman! It had only been two years since Southpaw, but it seemed like forever. Who knew it would be 7 long years until the next record.

I didn't miss the quiff at the time, but it was good when it returned. He dropped the bovver-boy physique and slimmed down considerably. Don't think it would suit him now, though...?

What is truly unfortunate is that the rear sleeve photo from the LP version was not used as the front cover. Morrissey still looks somewhat disheveled and unshaven, but he had a smoldering look of defiance on his face that fit the title quite well.

I actually liked the attempt to remove himself from the quiff image, like he refused to be caricatured any longer. I can recall being very shocked when he went on David Letterman, which was the first American appearance with the short 'do. I think he gave up on it too soon.


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