It’s not about politics

Republicans suddenly distance themselves from Trump’s false election claims

I feel like the neocon GOP establishment are like the Bourbons in exile during the French Revolution and Napoleonic era. Watching. Waiting. Biding their time until they are able to return to power.
And they may very well reclaim the thrown but it will never be the same. They will never have the love of the peasantry like they used to. And the peasants will seek to overthrow them again at the first available opportunity.
The neocons will try to turn back the clock but like the Bourbons, they will find that they won't be able to turn the clock ALL the way back (in this case, all the way back to 2015). They won't be able to get the base on board for Zionist wars or Randian oligarch worship.

Trump and Trumpian will remain a popular brand long after Trump is gone. There was some concern as to who would inherit that brand. There was a lot of fear that Trumpian would be co-opted by the GOP establishment who would turn it into Bush-style neoconservativism in a MAGA. Trump in style but Bush in substance.
I’m that sense, the GOP running from the Trump brand is a good thing as that will allow the Dissident Right to claim it and declare themselves the true successors or Trumpian.

As I have said, the short term consequences of this recent debacle will be brutal. But I am whitepilled as f*** about the long term.
I feel like the neocon GOP establishment are like the Bourbons in exile during the French Revolution and Napoleonic era. Watching. Waiting. Biding their time until they are able to return to power.
And they may very well reclaim the thrown but it will never be the same. They will never have the love of the peasantry like they used to. And the peasants will seek to overthrow them again at the first available opportunity.
The neocons will try to turn back the clock but like the Bourbons, they will find that they won't be able to turn the clock ALL the way back (in this case, all the way back to 2015). They won't be able to get the base on board for Zionist wars or Randian oligarch worship.

Trump and Trumpian will remain a popular brand long after Trump is gone. There was some concern as to who would inherit that brand. There was a lot of fear that Trumpian would be co-opted by the GOP establishment who would turn it into Bush-style neoconservativism in a MAGA. Trump in style but Bush in substance.
I’m that sense, the GOP running from the Trump brand is a good thing as that will allow the Dissident Right to claim it and declare themselves the true successors or Trumpian.

As I have said, the short term consequences of this recent debacle will be brutal. But I am whitepilled as f*** about the long term.
No, the Trump brand is done. It's over. Sell your stock.

It would be nice to think you enjoyed the snippet and pictures to their new song but with your track record of dissing most other bands I’m not sure. The positive is that James are recording a new album through these dark times while Morrissey sits on his arse whining about everything.
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No, the Trump brand is done. It's over. Sell your stock.

You are not a conservative so I don’t expect you to “get it”.

There is Trump the Man and Trump the Meme. This is a very important distinction.

Trump is not who most people think he is. Trump the Man is neither as great as his fans think nor as evil as his detractors think. He is not as great defender of the people against the Deep State globalists that his supporters think he is. He is also not the committed white supremacist fascist that his most committed haters think he is. In both cases, people are obsessing over Trump the Meme.

Trump the Man is a cynical and narcissistic opportunist with no real convictions who almost by accident stumbled into an untapped market. Like Christopher Columbus, he was oblivious to the magnitude of what he had just discovered. Now, some of Trump's defenders will say that Trump the Meme, they say, is actually Trump the Man's base instincts bu/t he allows himself to be led astray by the people he surrounds himself with. Without Kushner and Co, Trump would be purely Trumpian. That's the theory. I dunno. Maybe. Doesn't matter.

Trump the Man is finished. No arguments here. He does not have the ideological foundation nor moral fortitude to continue the revolution that he began in 2015.
However, Trump the Meme will still carry a lot of currency. The idea of a guy who is a representative of the common man in the face of the Deep State and neoliberal globalist hegemony, THAT will still hold some currency. Whether or not Trump was ever actually that guy doesn't matter. There will still be a huge demand for THAT kind of guy.

I have gotten a lot of shit from people, both Left and Right, for supporting Trump. He's Zionist, a tool of the oligarchs, and blah, blah, blah. All true. I am under no illusions about Trump the Man. But the value of Trump the Meme is immeasurable.
Saul Alinsky was a commie who wrote the infamous Rules For Radicals. When Alinsky was zeitgeist, there was hot trend among commies to burn the American flag as they considered it a symbol of the establishment which they were opposed to. Alinsky was hardcore anti-flag burning. His take was that you should not burn the flag because people like the flag. Rather, radicals should claim they represent the TRUE meaning of the flag and that it is the establishment who corrupted it.
I feel the same way about Trump. Who Trump the Man is is irrelevant. It's Trump the Meme which is important. I would like my side to co-opt Trump the Meme. Certainly, Trump the Man cucking on everything Trump the Meme stood for complicates things. But soon he will be gone and that legacy, the legacy of the Meme, will be up for grabs.
You're glad a man is dead and died painfully. Are you a psycho?
No, but you are. I have limited sympathy with bad people who die as a direct result of their own stupidity, especially when they do so whilst committing criminal acts of vandalism and trespass. And especially whilst they are being cheered on by the soon-to-be ex-President of the USA, and the sundry right-wing 'tards who infest this website.
It seems that our testicle-tasering twit was a real pillar of the community, a peace-loving, God-fearing man who wouldn't hurt a fly.
Well. I'm not a religious man but I can't helping thinking that someone up there is trying to tell us something.

you really are a sicko if you think you've happened upon some delicious irony. i bet you're just rubbing your hands and make grunting noises at the thought of it.
there is something really off about him...
No, that's just you judging other people by your own sociopathic standards. You are like the under-endowed hamster in that you seem utterly oblivious to the fact that every insult you throw at other people could equally and justifiably thrown back at you.
you really are a sicko if you think you've happened upon some delicious irony. i bet you're just rubbing your hands and make grunting noises at the thought of it.
Is that what you do when you see that the US police have shot another black person?
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