pasting url's in comments on stories (main site)

Math Tinder

like Sister Ray said
Not to do with the new board, but I've always wondered, why does it do that? That is, insert a space into every url pasted into the body of a comment? The spaces obviously confuse all the non-regulars every time a link is pasted. I assume it's some weird slashdot failsafe that I don't understand?

love, math+
URLs in comments on main site

Yes, that is one of the annoyances of the slash system. The reason a space is added is because, due to the number of ways the comments can be displayed, long words (or URLs) cause the page to stretch horizontally in the browser. The word length limit is 50. The way links are auto linked in this board are a much better user experience, but slightly more open to abuse.

There is a way to create links on the main page comment system without spaces, by using the code that is displayed at the bottom of each posting form:

[COLOR=#3c3228][B]URLs[/B][/COLOR]<URL:> will auto-link a URL
davidt said:
[COLOR=#3c3228][B]URLs[/B][/COLOR]<URL:> will auto-link a URL

Oh, um. Feeling quite silly now... that actually works? I tried the url tag with a Comment once without success; seeing all the other broken links in the Comments, I stupidly assumed the tag just didn't work. Lesson learned! Thanks David.

love, math+
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