PS22 chorus cover "Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want"

I hadn't heard of them until pointed in their direction by a Facebook link.

Anyway, the PS22 Chorus have done a great cover version of Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want. It's on their Blogspot page, but the Youtube link is as follows:

From the blogspot post:

On a whim at rehearsal today, I decided to try this song (one of my favorite songs from high school) on the PS22 Chorus, and what a perfect fit! This is "Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want" by The Smiths!

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I'm all for programs that give children in places like NYC an outlet to express themselves, so that's absolutely great, but with that said, I also cannot stand filthy acoustic guitar strumming neo-hippies, and I think this sounds awful. No one should perform this but Morrissey or The Smiths. The only cover of this I've ever enjoyed (slightly) is the Deftones one, which still doesn't pack 1/10th of the punch of the original:

Oh shut up you whinging gits. Hard to come to terms with the idea that people other than yourself like these songs. "Oh, but they don't get it!" Bloody snobs. Morrissey himself does an abysmal version of the song. As for "de-anglocized"!!
I wrote a less than positive comment about this cover (and I use the term 'cover' very lightly) because I think the cover is shit. It has nothing to do with a deeper motive of attention seeking, or baiting people...

if you hate the song, you hate the song. just leave it at that. don't bring your racist bullshit opinions into it. bottom line, you're an asshole.
I was quite touched by this homage to The Smiths. Bravo.
Crack? A welfare check? RID anti-lice shampoo? A father?

Help me out here....

You should have just stopped here "Skylarker". This is ridiculously offensive.

You are clearly a bigot, racist, pompous asshole. The worst kind as well, one without the balls to even admit it. You hate this cover yet you keep coming back to insult it and put it down. Why? If you hate it so much they leave it be!! Jesus, there is no f***ing reason for you to respond to every positive comment.

Go hate some more. Enjoy your klan meetings.
I concur with the person who said not liking the song is one thing, as you don't have to like everything Morrissey does, but I doubt a fan of Morrissey would ever spill such a diatribe, never mind envoke such racism. But be that as it may, while a little sugary it was a bit spiritual for me to see that a song from one of my favorite artist has transcended across the lines. The world will still obviously continue to have problems who rather spew hate and a lack of civility, but when a song from a British alternative rock icon can speak to someone who might not have shared too much, it inspiring. I'm sure our naysaying friend will attack me, but since I typically don't enter these forums, I won't have the pleasure of reading it; and I'm sure those beautiful children will never have to encounter these words, as our friend probably doesn't have the audicity to ever approach a group like that and the children probably will not read this as well. Thank you.
I'll say this: he plays guitar better than Tobias.

But this still sucks old man balls.

You're my type of white bastard racist, honest and to the point. I wish I could bottle more of you bastards so I can get my message across that the only good WHITE PERSON OR PERSON WHO HATES BLACKS is a DEAD ONE.

Now go screw that sheep or perverted sexual things your race does. Now if you could get your people to do what they are supposed to do we can start that race war.
This is truly a disgusting abortion of a great song.

This song has NOTHING to do with a bunch of little ethnic statistics singing in a church while some greasy hippie hack leads them along in lobotomized unison with his acoustic guitar.

Honestly, is NOTHING sacred anymore? Does everything have to be de-anglocized?

Let them sing along to something they can relate to, not a classic 80s indie anthem written by a morose intellectual genius British pop icon.

I'm sure there's enough shit out there that wouldn't suffer if it was turned into a tsunami ballad or a refugee anthem or whatever. Jesus Christ I just puked all over my keyboard, thanks a LOT.

My type of cracker or non- black person, now go kill Obama so we get on with the race war. Your racist rants are giving me hard-on. I like you Skylarker so full of hate for my kind, don't worry BLACKS AND CRACKERS IN AMERICA WILL RAGE ANOTHER CIVIL WAR.
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