"The Smiths - Special Collectors' Magazine" from the makers of NME and Uncut out now

From the magazine that Morrissey may very well send to the knackers' yard next summer comes...

...with a 'personal' introduction from Johnny Marr.
It's up-to-date enough to refer to the Stone Roses reunification but they forget to mention the recent litigation. Funny that.

Is there really anything left to be said? :rolleyes:


p.s ~ In this weeks 'normal' 'NME' there is an interview with Johnny Marr in which he states that he was in e-mail contact about the 'Complete' project with all three ex-Smiffs, including Moz. I know, I know, it's shocking....Morrissey may actually have been a little parsimonious with la vérité :eek:

See also for more details / ordering information:

The Smiths On NME.COM - NME blog
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Re: Article: "The Smiths - Special Collectors' Magazine" from the makers of NME and U

I went to A Special's gig in Bournmouth last week.Yes alot of skinheads there dancing and singing along to their anti racist songs. I don't think i'll be buying this magazine.

skinheads are NOT all right winger, or rascist...www.google.com will verify this

plus if you go to a ska music band gig , most of the public will be skinheads, they love ska music
[ask me why and I'll .... .. .... ... ]
Me and the Morrissey character once shared a bag of Bombay mix on a bus to Cheltenham. So with this in mind, how can he be a racist swine?
Think on people of tiny minds and fishy fingers.
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