The vulgarity of his lyrics

I wonder how sweaty the kegs between his legs get.
Do you?
from an old shoplifters thread
I know I am gonna be slated for saying this, but I always thought the song had very overt gay connotations. I think this is yet another example of clever wordplay from Moz, and that he always intended the title to be a pun (replace shop with shirt). Also the bit in the song - "A heartless hand on my shoulder, a push and it's over, alabaster crashes down..." apart from the obvious store detective reading, you can also see it as an act of sex - alabaster as semen?
Or maybe not, but that's my interpreteation.

I wonder how sweaty the kegs between his legs get.
Well, not too sweaty obviously, cos they're explosive. Explosives and sweat don't mix. Otherwise they'd be goin' off all the time. Common sense, 'innit.
Your right, that is common sense.
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