To Share or Not To Share

  • Thread starter Pleased With the Things I've Found
  • Start date

Pleased With the Things I've Found

This debate is somewhat buried in another thread, so I wanted to bring it out into it's own thread and see what happens

There was a mention that the reason some of the traders are using the "don't share this with anyone rule" when they trade maybe because;

"Some people who trade a lot though lose pull if their bootlegs are everywhere. so it makes it harder for them to get other bootlegs." ([email protected])

And for me, that was the last I could remain silent on this debate. So I wrote...
This whole thing about pull and not being able to trade abit weak. I've been trading for a real long time, and I can tell you honestly that the more people that I traded with and shared what I gave them, the better. The trading network, generally works like a buddy system. Even when I didn't have much to trade, there was always one of the guys that I had helped out who was willing to send me a copy of something I needed.

It's only a few guys who are pulling this whole "don't share this show with anyone" crap. The rest of the longtime collectors could care less. I have never in all my CD trades over the last 9 years or so ever been told not to share or trade something, and if someone did, I'd have enough balls to tell them were they could shove their show. What we need to do as a group is just say to these guys NO. Tell them that is no share rule is crap. Then we'll make sure they can't get any new shows and that'll be the end of it.

Everyone I've talked to recently abut this whole sharing issues, when they say they can't share certain shows, they always say... "well it's not me, if it were up to me I'd share, but this other guy said I can't...I think we should share everything."

I say if that's how you feel, stand up for yourself. If everyone does that, then these guys who are putting these stupid rules up disappear from relevance and we can ignore them all.

So lets start the revolution!

Lets put in end to the No-Share Bullies.


The first response to my words summed up what I missed metioning;

Posted By: Ed B. (
Date: Monday, 1 August 2005, at 12:22 a.m.

I have to say that I couldn't agree with you more. I also admit that when I first started trading I was in the "don't share this" club. In the end here's what it comes down to... people who want to feel elite because they have shows others don't. These people can then sell these shows at ridiculous prices on eBay or babble on about "Have you heard such-and-such show...." knowing full well no one has because they aren't kind enough to share it.

After talking with some other traders and taking an honest look at why I was playing into the "don't share this show" rap I rethought my position and am more than willing to share openly. I'm not interested in looking cool or getting pats on the back for having rare shows. I'm interested in getting shows, sharing shows and enjoying shows. The rest is garbage.

So what if someone shared a show they weren't supposed to share? What's the harm? People who want the show get it and enjoy it and pass it around. Who loses? The elitists that would rather be cool or make money. If they're getting the raw end of the deal, too bad. Selling shows is crap. Bragging about shows whilst being unwilling to share them is crap.

Share. Share often. Share freely.



So that's where we are.
Hopefully with this in it's own thread, we can get some discussion going.

Vive Le Revolution!

Dave (Pleased With the Things I've Found)
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