Vauxhall up on Recordstore UK

The company has gone downhill, I've had good dealings in the past with them but now I would stay away FAR AWAY from

I preordered the Satellite of Love vinyl from them in December, which was released at the end of January. At the end of Feb, no package had arrived. I contacted Customer Service, who offered a replacement or refund. I opted for replacement. They didn't have replacement after all so then I requested the refund. After 2 weeks and multiple emails still no refund came through; they either ignored my emails or said it was "processing". I then contacted Paypal to file a buyer complaint which was swiftly rejected since the purchase was over 45 days old (even though it was a preorder, the release date was still within 45 days of my claim). So I wait another week for Recordstore to do the right thing and a couple emails requesting my refund go unanswered. I realized that my Paypal order was funded by Amex so I initiated a chargeback. The next day Recordstore emails me and says there's a problem issuing my refund because I had done a chargeback on my credit card. If I canceled the chargeback they could then refund me! Yeah right. Thankfully I funded through the credit card because Recordstore had no intention of refunding when they failed to deliver.

Preordering is pointless anyhow, and I'd rather have the preorder price guarantee and customer service from Amazon.
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