Recent content by GuildedBeams

  1. G

    Tickets for Gmex 22nd; anoyne can help?

    Rank, I too am in London and have a spare ticket for the 22nd as a friend now can't make it. I can let it go for the price I paid if interested? GB.
  2. G

    The Moz Disco has Sold Out

    You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Was intending to water oneself in the S&G before the gig anyway. Failing that, good advice about wrapping up warm! Guilded Beams.
  3. G

    The Moz Disco has Sold Out

    I'll err take a jacket. Guilded Beams.
  4. G

    Manchester concert (23rd): any Londoners/southerners/anywhere else-ers going?

    I currently live in London, will be driving up sometime on the 22nd and returning sometime on the morning of the 24th. May have a seat or two if anyone's stuck for transport. Guilded Beams.
  5. G

    pre manchester gig

    I stupidly forgot to purchase an S&G ticket so will be spending the evening of the 22nd reading in my hotel room. With regard to this minibus tour, does anyone have anymore info? Many people going to the BrickHouse after the 23rd gig..? Cheers, Guilded Beams.
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