Recent content by TEDG65

  1. T

    People should view Alain Whytes Myspace page...

    Alain's tunes are all top-notch and would have made much better choices musically on Moz's latest, instead of the bland riff rock (thanks Luka!)... Get 'im back in the gang!!!!!!
  2. T

    World of Morrissey - do you actually listen to it?

    Right on Ripper.......Vauxhall is Moz's finest hour I'd say... I listen to WOM quiet a bit....great songs continually, topped off by my favorite single of his, Boxers.....a sold compilation from a solid period of his recording career....
  3. T

    Southpaw Grammar/Maladjusted reissues

    Vauxhall95, you have got it right.... As a longtime Smiths/Moz fan, I 've seen his ups and downs...for me Vauxhall was the most perfect record he ever did.....intriguing songwriting and even more intriguing music to go along with. The Morrissey of 2009 is a tad bit better than the last 2...
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