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  1. Lonsdale71

    X-Factor Simon Cowell on the cover of NME

    What the f***?? Not that I've had any faith in NME for years.....but this one takes the biscuit!
  2. Lonsdale71

    Guilty Pleasures (music-wise)?

    I've always had a soft spot for Spandau Ballet. Since the 1st album and especially the 2nd "Diamond". Diamond is my favourite, Coffee Club, etc. And I also like "True" and "Gold" - perfect pop tunes! I normally hate soft radio friendly pop but Spandau are great. Opinions?
  3. Lonsdale71

    The Pet Shop Boys Christmas Single - Marmite?

    I am not the biggest PSB fan but I think they are very much "a British Institution" in every sense. I like the fact they are releasing a Christmas themed single this year! I bought the PSB book "Catalogue" in FOPP for £7 and it reminded me how genius they are. Their attention to detail in...
  4. Lonsdale71

    Q Magazine - Artists of the Century (Jan 2010 issue)

    Just picked up the Q Magazine today (it's the January 2010 issue - some people are early :p) . The theme is "Artists of the century". All the usual suspects are on the cover: Amy Wino, U2, Oasis, Lily Allen, Kings of Leon, etc, etc. No Morrissey of course. However, You Are The Quarry was...
  5. Lonsdale71

    "Moon Over Kentucky" by The Sparks

    "Moon Over Kentucky" can be found on the Sparks album "A Woofer in Tweeter's Clothing". I believe this was the 1st Sparks album? Kimono My House came next (also a Morrissey favourite). Boths CDs on eBay for £4.99. Educate yourself!!!
  6. Lonsdale71

    Downloading Vs. buying CDs?

    I've got a huge collection of CDs. I tend to transfer most of them to my iTunes and then transfer the favourite ones to my iPod (which I often play via the stereo system - I've got Sony separates: CD player & amplifier). I normally keep a copy of the whole library in an external hard drive just...
  7. Lonsdale71

    Bauhaus Thread

    I was a big Bauhaus fan as a teen. I have recently sort of "rediscovered" them again. Bauhaus were *fantastic*......glam, punk, make up, Bowie, Iggy, Dracula films, post punk, etc. Any views?
  8. Lonsdale71

    Southpaw Grammar Re-release in a jewel case.

    Just a bit of trivia....Spotted the Southpaw 2009 release in a standard jewel case in my local HMV today. I've never liked "deluxe" packaging, the book styles, etc. They are a nightmare to store. And they wear out easily, scuffed corners, etc. Just a trivial personal opinion I know but...
  9. Lonsdale71

    Have you ever Shoplifted?

    Have you ever shoplifted? Please SPARE me stories of "I nicked some sweets and football cards when I was 7". Do you shoplift now? Is shoplifting easy? What do you "nick"?
  10. Lonsdale71

    Wanted "Importance of being..." on DVD please

    My DVD copy has died a death....stalling, stopping, skipping, ie. not playing. Anyone can help? Many Thanks.
  11. Lonsdale71

    Preston's (Ordinary Boys) comeback

    Preston's new solo single "Dress To Kill" is an absolute stinker. It is based on "Happy House" by Siouxsie & The Banshees. The press release says "Happy House" was sampled - But I would say the whole track is based on that Banshees song. It's a bit like Preston going electro pop or La Roux. It...
  12. Lonsdale71

    Anyone seen Bruno yet?

    Bruno: I thought it was hilarious in parts. Sacha Baron Cohen obviously wants to take the piss out of everyone; black, white, gay, straight, American, European. He does it well. I think it was entertaining - but I think Bruno as a character could have been even more camp! D&G...
  13. Lonsdale71

    Pets: Cats or Dogs?

    You Like pets? Do you prefer cats or dogs? I prefer dogs. Don't get me started - I work in Battersea :blushing: Loooove animals!
  14. Lonsdale71

    Cover versions by Morrissey

    This is very likely a subject that has already been covered but I couldn't find a thread. What songs has Morrissey covered so far? Bowie "Drive-in Saturday" Magazine "Floorboards" Buzzcocks "You Say You Don't love Me" Roxy Music "Street Life" NY Dolls "Trash" & "Human Being" ....and...
  15. Lonsdale71


    Anyone after bootleg CD recordings.... There is a shop near Manchester Piccadilly selling all sorts of Morrissey & Smiths booties - mainly on CD & DVD. They also have loads of other Manc/Factory stuff; Roses, Mondays, New Order, etc. Posters & T-shirts. Most of you probably know what shop...
  16. Lonsdale71

    What do you describe as "Indie" music?

    What do you think is "Indie" music these days? Razorlight? (I think not!) I grew up listening to bands like Ride, My Bloody Valentine, Cocteau Twins, etc, other "arty" stuff. And of course The Smiths. Opinions?
  17. Lonsdale71

    Seb's London

    Your Favourite things to do in London? And NOT breaking the bank. I don't mean "touristy" things...... 1. Hamsptead Outdoor swimming Ponds: There are 3 bathing bonds in Hampstead: 1 mixed, 1 for men, 1 for women. And they are still free!!! The mens pond has the best water. 2. Fopp...
  18. Lonsdale71

    The Latest on Manchester Affleck's Palace?

    What is the latest on Manchester's Affleck's Palace? I really really LOVE Affleck's Palace and I think every major UK city should have a similiar place. London Kensington Market was THE place in the 80's & 90's. Forget the internet - people need a PHYSICAL place to meet, to shop, to be seen...
  19. Lonsdale71

    Any The Fall fans out there?

    To be perfectly frank: I never got The Fall. I've tried & tried...but I don't get them. I tried listening to "10000 Fall fans" compilation but I still don't get The Fall. I Love stuff like Delta 5, Gang of four, Slits, Elastica, The Raincoats, Foals, etc.....but I just can't understand...
  20. Lonsdale71

    2 Police dogs die in a Police car in the UK

    2 German shepherds were left in a Police car and died of a heat stroke. The temperatures in the UK have been around 30 C for the last week. These were police dogs in a police car! The officer has not been suspended and the matter will be "investigated" within the police force. They also...
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