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  1. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    Jeaousy issues

    Exactly the same here!
  2. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    Morrissey-Solo users rules thread

    There should be a rule that no one may make any posts. If no one would post anything, this would be such a nice place.
  3. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.


    That's a very philosophical question.
  4. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    Morrissey/Smiths Facebook Groups

    No, maybe it's just to reassure themselves, in case they'd ever raise a doubt or get amnesia. I thought that this "If you don't like The Smiths you must be some sort of c***"-group was quite funny, btw. :p
  5. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    Food Porn

    I refuse to accept that you just reminded me of this (un)cultural phenomenon. :straightface:
  6. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    Gagging on Lady Gaga

    Yes, I'd like to see Gaga and Brando hold an "orgasm by sense memory contest". If he wasn't dead. But maybe he still can, who knows.
  7. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    Gagging on Lady Gaga

    And yes, thanks for pointing that out. :)
  8. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    Gagging on Lady Gaga

    The Gaga has just totally misunderstood the concept of method acting. :thumb:
  9. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    best music video ever? Lady Gaga and Beyonce - Telephone

    No matter if symbolism or not, one cannot deny that this video generally manisfests a lot of negativity. Like many music videos do these days. Which is a bit of a pity, in my opinion. I'm not saying that a music video should be just flowers and bunnies and sunshine, but this video could have...
  10. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    the 9/11 conspiracy and illumanti thread

    Let's assume that 9/11 was an "inside job" and that there's something going on like the "illuminati" (for want of a better term).
  11. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    what kind of crazy are you?

    Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: High Antisocial: Low Borderline: Moderate Histrionic: Low Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: Moderate Dependent: Moderate Obsessive-Compulsive: High
  12. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    The f*** My Life Thread

    My dog had an epileptic fit again today. :tears:
  13. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    The f*** My Life Thread

    True! But it's really creepy in the cemetery after dark... :squiffy:
  14. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    The f*** My Life Thread

    I'm hungry but I have nothing to eat. Which means I'll have to leave the house and buy something, but I can't, because I look like someone hit me in the face. And anyway it's far too cold and snowy out there to even consider leaving the house. But I want those vegan raspberry cakes from that...
  15. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    Evil Horoscopes

    It's funny, because to me he seems very Gemini-like, good at everything with words, very articulate, for example. Then again his introversion/shyness is not very Gemini...but not Taurus either. But there are introverted and extroverted people among all zodiac signs. Maybe his ascendant or...
  16. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    Evil Horoscopes

    This is great! And it's not even pure bullshit... :D Yeah, they are truly evil. They wear fur. But Morrissey is a first decade Gemini, he really is. There might be a slight Taurus influence, but not more.
  17. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    my 2010 #1 solo crush

    I can't make that poll/thread, because I don't really have a crush on here. So I wouldn't know who to nominate in the poll. That's nice too. All this reminds me of my days back in school, when everyone was crushing on everyone. (Except me :lbf:)
  18. Anker Ignis Fatuus Von K.

    my 2010 #1 solo crush

    Oh my god, it's Robby and not (Oh my god, it's) Robbie! Sorry! Now I might remember. If I take my gingko. Just make a 2010 male users crush thread then, someone!
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