Concert-goers interviewed before & after Morrissey's Brixton Show

There's bound to be a few site users included amongst the scores of people who can find themselves on video here:

Morrissey at Brixton Academy - WinkBall
by Gig Reporters 2011

As I posted over on, near the end someone called Helen said she's in a band called The Ritas and right enough, they've uploaded their own fine version of Jeane -
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Goinghome: I don't mind at all! :) It was rather sweet of you to go looking for our stuff after I so blatantly pimped it! But I did the same on Marc Riley's show when I won the Johnny Marr T-shirt so... y'know....
Hands off from the Scottish guy . He's very friendly and very witty.
Greets from Poland :)
Just remember, 'the Scottish guy' has friends in high places, so unless you want to join David T in getting banned from the gigs I suggest you play nice. ;)
All the grasses need to f*ck off to Rangers. Especially the scottish guy grass. Not Celtic I know.

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