

Will Morrissey do anything this Thursday in memory of the death of Elvis, 30 years? I wish I wish he would sing a song...
Sussi wonders...
I don't think Morrissey's taking part in any event.
Morrissey's resting and might commemorate the anniversary privetley.
I can`t imagine him doing a jiggy jiggy number like Jailhouse Rock because I don`t think his knees would be flexible enough.:pBut Suspicious minds or You Were always on My Mind would be lovely.

I love Elvis.I`ve never bought his cds or anything but he certainly was the King.His `68 come back special was his best moment.My mum said I sat in my bouncy chair and blew raspberries at him!!I can remember when he died I was about seven or eight and I remember my mum crying.Such a young age to die.:(
Yes, I agree that Morrissey will probably remember Elvis quietly on his own. Maybe he will just sit back and enjoy a dvd of the Elvis '68 ComebackTV special while munching on a grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich.

Perhaps he will kick it up a notch add a little applesauce to it as well. Peanut butter and applesauce rolled into small balls in Rice Krispies also make a healthy snack. I think the best way Morrissey can remember Elvis is to roll himself in peanut butter. That would be special, too.

I'm being silly, now.
(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I and (Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame are wonderful songs, both were covered by The Smiths.

RIP King.
mhh maybe HE's doing a cover in the studio;) [as I read they are in an LA recordingstudio]

one thing for sure, the whole day Elvis films all over, any channel:(
I already can dream all films, cause it's every year the same
have any of you ever seen that elvis documentary for the ovation channel?

he was so nuts it was so heartbreaking. elvis i believe was bipolar. i used to think he was just not that intellectual but i realise now having watched that documentary that it might have been chemical.
Hes gonna sit on the toilet and eat big fat juicy hamburgers while wielding his pretend FBI badge around and firing his gun at Boz and Jessie.

Morrisssey paid his tribute to Elvis in 2004... it was called the Quarry tour. (Very Elvis '68 Comeback Special)
Song Of The Shrimp would be nice I think. Frank Black covered it with aplomb.

"I saw three shrimp in the water, two were old and gray
I swam a little bit closer and .. I heard the third one say

Goodbye mama shrimp, papa shake my hand
Here come the shrimper for to take me to Louisian'
Here come the shrimper for to take me to Louisian'"

Seriously though, God bless you Elvis. Still the benchmark, still the greatest, still the King.
Hes gonna sit on the toilet and eat big fat juicy hamburgers while wielding his pretend FBI badge around and firing his gun at Boz and Jessie.

Morrisssey paid his tribute to Elvis in 2004... it was called the Quarry tour. (Very Elvis '68 Comeback Special)

Well, the stage set certainly was, shall we say, an homage, one that has been ripped off dozens of times down the years by many artists. (see what I did there? Morrissey: "homage", anyone else: "rip off".) Still looks great though. I wonder who designed the original Elvis set? An NBC lackey I presume.

Glad to see you have good wi-fi where you are Bluebirds...
Elvis would have wanted me to bump this:


Edit: Bump this thread, I mean. Not bump Morrissey, although that would be something.
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I'm in Memphis right now on business. It's dreadfully hot and something like 8 people died of heat exhaustion - including some touring Graceland.
There was an Asian couple at the airport, and a man from Africa at the car rental agency, all dressed like Elvis. There's a concert with remaining members of his band playing while Elvis sings along from old video footage. I called 11 hotels before finding a vacancy. Maybe the Mozzer is here...
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