Free Bumper sticker featuring The Smiths

The Seeker of Good Songs

Well-Known Member

Yes, you, too, can show your undying love for all things Slicing Up Eyeballs by plastering our brand-new bumper stickers all over your… well, pretty much anything you want. That’s because we’re giving away fistfuls of free stickers to help promote the site and spread the love of ’80s college rock.
Want some? Just send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to:
Slicing Up Eyeballs
Attn: Bumper Sticker Department
P.O. Box 12097
Denver, CO 80212-0097
One word of warning, though: Don’t send normal letter-sized envelopes. These stickers come in two sizes — 3×10 inches (that’s the design you see above) and 4×4 inches (like the one above, but more square) — neither of which will fit in a standard mailing envelope. So send something a little bigger, and we’ll hook you up with one of each size.

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