I love BOTH Heather and Andy Rurke and I don't think they go on here but I hope they understand me!!



I don't want to go on here much now.
ALL I HAVE EVER WANTED was to be FRIENDS with Andy and Heather but they don't want my friendship I know that now!!!
I DO have a life and I am doing other more fullfilling things now!!
I think Andy Rourke got REALLY put off of me cos I told him about problems I had aged 14+ which is a long time ago now as I am 25 and enjoying my life!!!!! I really do enjoy my life!!!!
Heather did go in chat and we talked I like Heather loads!!!
I just got a bit put back when she started talking about me loking in loos to find Andy? this was weird and strange to me and NOT things I have ever done!!! I am NOT interested in looking at ANYONE in loos or bathrooms!!! It sounded discusting to me and a bit sick yuck!!
I think Andy Rourke is a little on the parinoid side! I like him loads but I don't do stuff like that not to anyone I have more respect for people than that.
I think Andy Rourke has the WRONG idea of me I REALLY do!!!!
If Andy Rourke ever sees that I couldn't be any clearer! I think this mis-understanding his gone on long enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heather and Andy got a bit worried by my behovour towards a boy in Stourbridge! I shouted at him! It was REALLY bad of me and I still feel bad about now!!!!
But if they can look at it from my point of view: I was in a strange town on my own and I knew no one! this boy in black leather had been staring at me all night! I do NOT like leather because I am a vegetarian! Earlier that day I had my purse stolen in Stourbridge and had to move hotels because of it! I was tierd from a bad and long train journy coming up from London due partly to Euston station being shut! This young boy might of fanced me? i don't know he knew nothing about me. I didn't fancy him a all! he wasn't my type at all he seemed really young to me and in leather that i don't like he had been drinking quite a bit. He kept staring at me and kept shouting in my ear to try and talk to me! I have quite sensitive ears and my ears were starting to hurt from this! I am from London which is quite an unfriendly place and in London guys usually leave me alone! I don't even like the Birmingham accent and i think if i ever did go out with someone they would live a litle closer to my home of London! I never usually blow up like i did but it all was getting on top of me! I was really scared of the young man!!
And then when I got back to Camden in London I was physically sexually asalted by a black man which has NEVER happened to me before!!
All in all it was a rather disasterous trip to Stourbridge! which seems to me like a bit of a weird little place to me! although the people who work in the 'Rock cafe' are really nice and more friendly than your average Londoner! I am a Londoner and i may not be the most friendly of people i know! I am really shy although I would have NO problem standing on a stage in front of people!!
As I said before I NEVER act like I did in Stourbridge things just got really on top of me! It doesn't excuse my behavour though.
Re: I love BOTH Heather and Andy Rurke and I don't think they go on here but I hope they understand

Were you sexually assaulted ison?
I hope you've been to a police station and that this bastard gets caught.

> I don't want to go on here much now.
> ALL I HAVE EVER WANTED was to be FRIENDS with Andy and Heather but they
> don't want my friendship I know that now!!!
> I DO have a life and I am doing other more fullfilling things now!!
> I think Andy Rourke got REALLY put off of me cos I told him about problems
> I had aged 14+ which is a long time ago now as I am 25 and enjoying my
> life!!!!! I really do enjoy my life!!!!
> Heather did go in chat and we talked I like Heather loads!!!
> I just got a bit put back when she started talking about me loking in loos
> to find Andy? this was weird and strange to me and NOT things I have ever
> done!!! I am NOT interested in looking at ANYONE in loos or bathrooms!!!
> It sounded discusting to me and a bit sick yuck!!
> I think Andy Rourke is a little on the parinoid side! I like him loads but
> I don't do stuff like that not to anyone I have more respect for people
> than that.
> I think Andy Rourke has the WRONG idea of me I REALLY do!!!!
> If Andy Rourke ever sees that I couldn't be any clearer! I think this
> mis-understanding his gone on long enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Heather and Andy got a bit worried by my behovour towards a boy in
> Stourbridge! I shouted at him! It was REALLY bad of me and I still feel
> bad about now!!!!
> But if they can look at it from my point of view: I was in a strange town
> on my own and I knew no one! this boy in black leather had been staring at
> me all night! I do NOT like leather because I am a vegetarian! Earlier
> that day I had my purse stolen in Stourbridge and had to move hotels
> because of it! I was tierd from a bad and long train journy coming up from
> London due partly to Euston station being shut! This young boy might of
> fanced me? i don't know he knew nothing about me. I didn't fancy him a
> all! he wasn't my type at all he seemed really young to me and in leather
> that i don't like he had been drinking quite a bit. He kept staring at me
> and kept shouting in my ear to try and talk to me! I have quite sensitive
> ears and my ears were starting to hurt from this! I am from London which
> is quite an unfriendly place and in London guys usually leave me alone! I
> don't even like the Birmingham accent and i think if i ever did go out
> with someone they would live a litle closer to my home of London! I never
> usually blow up like i did but it all was getting on top of me! I was
> really scared of the young man!!
> And then when I got back to Camden in London I was physically sexually
> asalted by a black man which has NEVER happened to me before!!
> All in all it was a rather disasterous trip to Stourbridge! which seems to
> me like a bit of a weird little place to me! although the people who work
> in the 'Rock cafe' are really nice and more friendly than your average
> Londoner! I am a Londoner and i may not be the most friendly of people i
> know! I am really shy although I would have NO problem standing on a stage
> in front of people!!
> As I said before I NEVER act like I did in Stourbridge things just got
> really on top of me! It doesn't excuse my behavour though.
Lord have mercy, ison. Please get help. Do you know someone? Anyone?
Re: I don't need any help thanks. I am VERY happy with my life thank you!
I'm glad you are happy. But, it's OK to ask for help when you need it.
Re: I love BOTH Heather and Andy Rurke and I don't think they go on here but I hope they understand

Were you sexually assaulted ison?
> I hope you've been to a police station and that this bastard gets caught.====
No I didn't go to the police about the asault. I was too shaken and didn't think of that! I would of been too embarrased to go to the police anyway.
One of my sisters later said I should of done but it was too late by then.
Re: Thank you for caring. But I don't need any help. I am VERY happy with my life.
Re: I love BOTH Heather and Andy Rurke and I don't think they go on here but I hope they understand

Well, I hope you are able to get over that.

> No I didn't go to the police about the asault. I was too shaken and didn't
> think of that! I would of been too embarrased to go to the police anyway.
> One of my sisters later said I should of done but it was too late by then.
Re: For lg.

Well, I hope you are able to get over that.=======
I was very shaken by the asault at the time. It happened by Mornington Crescent tube station near a park near Camden town. I was carrying loads of bags cos I was coming back from Stourbridge I think the man might of thought I was a tourist cos of my bags. This black man walked past me then very quickley grabbed by breasts and started squeezing them REALLY hard I shouted cos it REALLY hurt! he then moved to my bottom and because I shouted I think that is why he ran away!! i was worried he wanted to rob my bags.
This was NOT the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I have been physicaly hurt more than that before! and have been abused in other ways.
I will not let people like that man stop me from living my life and doing things i want to do!
I never went to the police about it.
Re: For lg.

Maybe you need someone to talk about that stuff.
A therapist or something like it.

I sincerely wish everything turns out ok for you.

> I was very shaken by the asault at the time. It happened by Mornington
> Crescent tube station near a park near Camden town. I was carrying loads
> of bags cos I was coming back from Stourbridge I think the man might of
> thought I was a tourist cos of my bags. This black man walked past me then
> very quickley grabbed by breasts and started squeezing them REALLY hard I
> shouted cos it REALLY hurt! he then moved to my bottom and because I
> shouted I think that is why he ran away!! i was worried he wanted to rob
> my bags.
> This was NOT the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I have been
> physicaly hurt more than that before! and have been abused in other ways.
> I will not let people like that man stop me from living my life and doing
> things i want to do!
> I never went to the police about it.
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