I will tell you the reason why I keep going on here is that I am fearful for Andy Rourke....


Andy I.

I keep having nightmares with him dying. I don't want him to die EVER. I always go on here and other sites to check he is still alive. It keeps me awake every night. I worry that he isn't living a healthy life. I pray to God to keep him safe from harm. So why would I want to harm him??? I want to keep him safe.
> I keep having nightmares with him dying. I don't want him to die EVER. I
> always go on here and other sites to check he is still alive. It keeps me
> awake every night. I worry that he isn't living a healthy life. I pray to
> God to keep him safe from harm. So why would I want to harm him??? I want
> to keep him safe.

i hope the fat f***stain dies tomorrow, he's neither use nor
ornament, he only looked good on the queen is dead cover, with
that large child in his jeans.
Re: Why do you say those things about Andy Rourke? I wish he was my Mum and Dad.

i hope the fat f***stain dies tomorrow, he's neither use nor
ornament, he only looked good on the queen is dead cover, with
that large child in his jeans.= It is so NOT true everything you say. You sound like you are jelous of him to me?
Re: Why do you say those things about Andy Rourke? I wish he was my Mum and Dad.

> i hope the fat f***stain dies tomorrow, he's neither use nor
> ornament, he only looked good on the queen is dead cover, with
> that large child in his jeans.= It is so NOT true everything you say. You
> sound like you are jelous of him to me?

yes i wished i was addicted to heroin and accepted 80 grand instead
of the full million, what a winner!
> i hope the fat f***stain dies tomorrow, he's neither use nor
> ornament, he only looked good on the queen is dead cover, with
> that large child in his jeans.

Fascinating criteria for why one should live or die.
What keeps you from offing yourself? What use are you?

Just curious how you percieve yourself, not questioning
your value.
> I keep having nightmares with him dying. I don't want him to die EVER. I
> always go on here and other sites to check he is still alive. It keeps me
> awake every night. I worry that he isn't living a healthy life. I pray to
> God to keep him safe from harm. So why would I want to harm him??? I want
> to keep him safe.
AndY I, you should talk to your doctor about Zolof. I heard it works wonders with people with OCD.
Re: Why do you say those things about Andy Rourke? I wish he was my Mum and Dad.

> yes i wished i was addicted to heroin and accepted 80 grand instead
> of the full million, what a winner!=And what have you done with your life? At least Andy Rourke lives and takes risks.
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