Moz dog is called Shame? There was a great Aussie film called Shame


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If you ever get the chance to rent Shame I recommend that you do so, I mean Picnic at hanging rock is all time No1 Aussie film but Shame was fantastic if not a little too sad!

Powerful but restrained acting highlights this story of a lawyer who happens upon a family whose daughter has been blamed for her own gangrape, on the old theory that she must have asked for it. The characters gradually and quite believably overcome their natural tendencies toward denial and passivity in the face of overwhelming circumstances. There is a refreshing absence of crusading spirit and rhetoric such as you usually get in films dealing with themes of this kind. Rather, quiet, inner heroism emerges quite naturally from the various characters as they deal with the specific problems that have come upon them. Beautifully done, wonderfully and subtly acted. Watch it.
I remember a good line from that movie...

as the cowboy rides away, the young boy cries out, "Shame, come back Shame."
Re: I remember a good line from that movie...

> as the cowboy rides away, the young boy cries out, "Shame, come back
> Shame."

i was hoping he came up with the name after watching Parliament on TV.

"Shame! Shame!"
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