Moz interview in GQ magazine

It's a big interview, with a huge glossy fashion spread - one picture has Moz reading a Sacha Distel music sheet. There are many, many pictures, but I cannot scan anymore due to my scanner being knackered - can someone help? As for the interview, it's full of gems - we are told that Moz's dog is named "Shame", he gets drunk on Newcastle Brown, and that Jesse Tobias has co-written the majority of songs on the upcoming album. I'll get a transcript up later.

Let's hope Jesse has a better grasp on writing music than he does on civility & manners.

Is this the type of magazine that you can only get from WH SMITHS, or should i pop to the Spar & have a gander for it?
> Is this the type of magazine that you can only get from WH SMITHS, or
> should i pop to the Spar & have a gander for it?

I think you've got a chance in Spar... go ferrit.

Re: Is his dog ...

the one that looks like a wolf? ... wolves are my absolute favourite animals and i think, although these breeds technically aren't wolves, they look v similar ... beautiful animals.
If he has one of these then that's all the more incentive for me to make sure i become his lodger.
Re: MOZ!! gIVE my granny her curtains BACK.

Ho-ho! Yes, I really don't like the vintage Pierre Cardin suit either. Brown is so not his colour.
Great photos though.
> I think you've got a chance in Spar... go ferrit.

> nx

Ooh hello Mrs (if you're the person i think you are!) If you've never spoken to me before then i do apologise.

I've just got hold of a copy, really good interview, i thought. He's still as witty as ever, not that it comes as a huge surprise. Some nice tid-bits of random information too. Well worth the £3.40 i think!
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