on our own guys n gals


grievous angel

let's be honest the venues/ticket vendors/record company and management (might explain why they're in shit!-poor attitude!) don't give a rats ass
and he (Mozz) will be bloody loving it. Remember Wolverhampton pop kids

So friday, when you're bored
By all means call
Because you can do
But you will not get through
> let's be honest the venues/ticket vendors/record company and management
> (might explain why they're in shit!-poor attitude!) don't give a rats ass
> and he (Mozz) will be bloody loving it. Remember Wolverhampton pop kids

> So friday, when you're bored
> By all means call
> Because you can do
> But you will not get through

Nice verse.

I'm taking Friday as a day off. Phone to Halifax in left hand, interweb on laptop for Leeds on right hand. Hey ho. It is 8:50am on sale, isn't it?

Cheers Peter
i only work in the bloody LGI a spit away at the moment i feel like a dog with two or more dicks Jumbo are getting them and Crash "but only small amounts"
it'll end in tears!
be lucky mate

Nice verse.

> I'm taking Friday as a day off. Phone to Halifax in left hand, interweb on
> laptop for Leeds on right hand. Hey ho. It is 8:50am on sale, isn't it?

> Sk./Peter
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