palladium tickets



has anyone else recieved their palladium tickets yet? ordered mine on the phone, but have seen neither hide nor hair of them yet, should i be concerned?
I've bought 6 in total from 3 different sources for 2 different nights and have received them all. First 2 lots of 2 received about a week after they went on sale (See Tickets) and last 2 a couple of weeks ago (Ticket Master).
does anybody know if there's a definitive printed ticket with picture (like the alexandra palace tickets) or are the palladium tickets just printed out by variuos distributors?

p.s. i'm still waiting for mine too.
> does anybody know if there's a definitive printed ticket with picture
> (like the alexandra palace tickets) or are the palladium tickets just
> printed out by variuos distributors?

> p.s. i'm still waiting for mine too.

Mine arrived very soon after ordering and they came as regular ticketmaster tickets . .
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