Pinup Nights on Friday 2nd December - A Sneaky Preview


John D.

Pinup Nights
The Woodside Social Club
Friday 2nd December, 9pm - 2am, £5, £3 after midnight
Playing live: Swimmer One, The Ads, The Hussy's
Fanzine and badge for first 100 to arrive

It's the first Friday of the month, which means it's time for Glasgow's rowdiest indie night to kick off again!

Playing live this month are the excellent Swimmer One (, describe dby Jim Gellatly as "the missing link between pulp and the chemical brothers... swimmer one are making some of the most exciting sounds to come out of scotland at the moment". They're backed by The Ads (, who list their influences as including such Pinups favourites as "Talking Heads, Pixies, Radiohead, the Flaming Lips, Beck, Joy Division, Led Zep, The Stranglers" - and The Hussy's (, fronted by ex-Supernaturals singer James McColl. The man obviously has a way with a tune, so we're looking forward to hearing his new ones.

After the bands we'll be playing tunes until 2am, after which you can roll out onto Great Western Road for a kebab and a fight with a tramp. Lovely stuff.

We're currently whacking a selection of new stuff up on our website for you to have a look at, and that will be done in the next day or so. In the last few weeks we also finished off the October gallery (featuring The Beat Trap, Kodiak, The Merchants and The Hedrons) - you might not have seen that, so go and have a look.

Thanks for reading!

John D.

ps If anybody fancies writing something for the fanzine get in touch - fanzine writers get in for free (wow etc...). Plus we're also looking for a compere to introduce the bands, tell a fly joke or 2 etc. Drop us a line if you think you're the guy or girl for the task....
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