Platinum Edition


I'm not sorry

Can somebody tell me what the set up is with this. Is the second disc a regular CD or is it a DVD, or what? It's not all that clear on HMV and Amazon so any help would be great.
> Can somebody tell me what the set up is with this. Is the second disc a
> regular CD or is it a DVD, or what? It's not all that clear on HMV and
> Amazon so any help would be great.
> Cheers.

Its an enhanced CD. Beware, as it only works on certain players.
> Its an enhanced CD. Beware, as it only works on certain players.

the DVD is a seperate matter and it should be out in the new year.can't wait
> Its an enhanced CD. Beware, as it only works on certain players.
I guess there's not much point in me buying it then as my CD drive on my PC doesn't even work so I'd only really be getting a bunch of B sides that I already have. The only plus is that I'd be getting the FOTGTD B sides on CD as now I only have them on DVD as I have no way of getting them onto CD.
Doesn't really seem worth it, does it?
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