Priest Outfit-Tired or what?


Irn Bru

That Priest Outfit thing is getting very tired don't you think?
It was cool for the KROQ Halloween show, but shouldn't have been worn again.
How will Bible Bashing Americans react to him wearing it on Letterman?
Is he trying to court controversy or something?
I do hope so.
> That Priest Outfit thing is getting very tired don't you think?
> It was cool for the KROQ Halloween show, but shouldn't have been worn
> again.
> How will Bible Bashing Americans react to him wearing it on Letterman?
> Is he trying to court controversy or something?
> I do hope so.

Maybe he is saying something else?
I don't think he's trying to court controversy.
All the die-hards who refer to Moz as God rejoice!
Re: All the die-hards who refer to Moz as God rejoice!

I'm completely fed up with this priest stuff.

I don't want to see Mozz become a kind of comic character.
Re: Except for the West Coast and ...

> That Priest Outfit thing is getting very tired don't you think?

...the visitors to Morrissey-solo nobody has seen Father Morrissey. Los Angeles is not the world.
Most of us weren't at the Halloween show. If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it.....

If Morrissey wants to wind people up with a priest costume, makes more sense to do so on broadcast television than at some little KROQ show.
> That Priest Outfit thing is getting very tired don't you think?
> It was cool for the KROQ Halloween show, but shouldn't have been worn
> again.
> How will Bible Bashing Americans react to him wearing it on Letterman?
> Is he trying to court controversy or something?
> I do hope so.

no way! i'm looking forward to him wearing at the uk dates.gorgeous father Moz is good enough to eat.
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