Project Natal - X-Box = Goodbye Nintendo Wii


My God, I wan... need one.

Of course this could lead to having to jump behind the couch and chairs to establish a position and maintain cover when playing Call of Duty XXVII due out in 2018
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My God, I wan... need one.

Of course this could lead to having to jump behind the couch and chairs to establish a position and maintain cover when playing Call of Duty XXVII due out in 2018

DAYEM.....I'm gonna have to buy a bigger house and a decent tv.
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My God, I wan... need one.

Of course this could lead to having to jump behind the couch and chairs to establish a position and maintain cover when playing Call of Duty XXVII due out in 2018

But does in interfere with your internet connection like the Wii does?
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Does it cause cancer?


btw, While in the pushup position, the ground moves up and down for Chuck Norris. :lbf:
My Wii doesn't mess up my internet connection...what does it do to yours?

Oh no we don't have one...but nearly everyone does and they say it does.

No my kids still have my Pac Man from the 80's.:lbf:Deprived they are....:rolleyes:
Wow, this is like a video games geek's wet dream come to life :lbf:

My X-Box is rarely on except for using Netflix from September through June. This? This would be a detriment to my work ethic.
Bloody Hell you lot - have Pong, Galaga and Manic Miner, and be happy with it.


LOL If I had kids there would be no video game system in the home until they were old enough to understand the words responsibility and priority. My parents could afford Nintendo but made sure we (my brother and I) were one of the last to ever get it. We never received the Atari.

This way we always concentrated on schoolwork and already had an established basis of activities besides the video games.
I have a bad feeling this technology will overtake humanity and create a new world order...


...but will anyone listen to me? Noooooo..:blushing:
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