The Death Of Bob Hoskins - TTY

He knew exactly what you meant, very odd behaviour, for some reason he enjoys trying to make people look foolish, even total strangers. Apparently it's not because he was bullied at school hmmmmm… maybe not but there must be some deep rooted reason he feels so inadequate that he needs to constantly do this.
May I speak for you Brummie?
It was a joke. And a good one.
Quite obvious really.
You guys should chill.

The old Tosser will be wheeled on stage upright on a market sack truck.
Hayley Cropper backdrop/ Who is Mike Joyce ?
Talks bollocks about his latest obsession ie Jimmy Clitheroe
Song for dead Bob.
Bastardised Smiths songs
2,345 th of the gang to die
Meat is boring and so is the video
The odd teasing new song
"As I was saying to Spewlia" !
Security to stage manage the lemmings onstage for the traditional encore blessing.
I've got the shits again cancel the gig and say Boz has come Down with chicken pox.

BORING !!!!!!!


I would buy a Benny-the British-Butcher t-shirt in a heartbeat. XL please.
May I speak for you Brummie?
It was a joke. And a good one.
Quite obvious really.
You guys should chill.

Hello 'Peterb'. Yes, it was a joke. It was also a leading question. I queried the word 'gentile' as Bob Hoskins as an actor explored Jewish culture and the original comment *might* have been a serious allusion to this. But it wasn't. And the hissy-fit follow up comments show it was just another 'intellectual' online Morrissey 'fan' being a klutz.

"Hoskins, as Lou, is no overly intellectual nebbish; he may be a menschy guy, but he’s also sexy, earthy, and decidedly working-class. He doesn’t shirk from Rachel’s colorful sexual history, or neurose over his feelings for her. He’s straightforward and sure of himself, a leading man in a short, balding, Jewish package.It was a great gift, and it’s how I’ll always remember him"

"Remembering Menschy Actor Bob Hoskins"
He knew exactly what you meant, very odd behaviour, for some reason he enjoys trying to make people look foolish, even total strangers. Apparently it's not because he was bullied at school hmmmmm… maybe not but there must be some deep rooted reason he feels so inadequate that he needs to constantly do this.[/QUOTE]

I assume you are, subconsciously, referring to Morrissey? In fact, I was discussing Bob Hoskins relationship to Jewish culture as a thespian. I now realise some of the 'fans' here know nothing about this actor and only add him to the list of icons Morrissey has on his 'altar of cultural influences'. Bob Hoskins. Cliff Richards. Krays. It's getting quite surreal in Morrissey's box bedroom with all the the East End actor/gangster/boxer fantasy/reality Alpha Male role model stuff.
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I can understand your bitterness on this thread Gary. Now you're alive everyone thinks you're a c*** and when you die everyone will still think you're a c***. There will be no glowing tributes to you. Just laughter.

Listen mate I'm totally lost on this theory/plot of yours, so your gonna have to explain your thinking for me and others.
Gary Bushel/Morrissey I have no idea what the connection is and I swear that on my son's lives !
You can run it as long as you want I won't lose any sleep but I'm sorry I cannot engage with you if I don't have a fookin clue what your banging on about, so Charlie Chiseldick you remain as I described before "A pipe at the turd plant" ( And what are pipes at the turd plant full of Chiseldick ? )

One week to go until the circus show hit the road again.

Old Tosserrey and the group of village idiots he calls a band are sure to self destruct.

Benny I predict the curtain will drop before he leaves Texas.

Wait with excitement for the pending train wreak.

The Mad Brewer

Well we are almost there ! It's "Showtime" folks.
Our supa-hero Dr Do-Little, a,k,a, Ste-Mo from the Salford school of limpcocks is about to attempt to 'perform'yet another tour of around 27 dates over the next couple of months, all those who have tickets must be shitting in their pants praying his heart can carry on beating and he can afford some gasoline for the covered wagon to transport the performing puppets that stand in the background dressed up in their Tosser t-shirts and cock-frocks.
So let's have some fun shall we ? Predictions please . . . . . . !
How many 'performances' will he manage this time around ?
Who will be struck down with illness ?
Will he wear a "Benny-the-British-Butcher" "My meat is well hung" T-shirt ?
What illnesses are there left for him to contract (apart from mental)
Will he insist on taking his shirt off and throwing it to the lemmings
Will he still insist security let the lemmings on stage to be blessed by the hand of Toss
Or any others please

Listen mate I'm totally lost on this theory/plot of yours, so your gonna have to explain your thinking for me and others.
Gary Bushel/Morrissey I have no idea what the connection is and I swear that on my son's lives !
You can run it as long as you want I won't lose any sleep but I'm sorry I cannot engage with you if I don't have a fookin clue what your banging on about, so Charlie Chiseldick you remain as I described before "A pipe at the turd plant" ( And what are pipes at the turd plant full of Chiseldick ? )


Whoever you are, he is right though, you are a c*** and a f***ing sad boring c*** at that. Why the f*** would some c*** spend time on a Morrissey forum spouting off with c***ish comments like torrissey? If you don't like him stay away you c***, we won't miss you c*** f***.
Listen mate I'm totally lost on this theory/plot of yours, so your gonna have to explain your thinking for me and others.
Gary Bushel/Morrissey I have no idea what the connection is and I swear that on my son's lives !
You can run it as long as you want I won't lose any sleep but I'm sorry I cannot engage with you if I don't have a fookin clue what your banging on about, so Charlie Chiseldick you remain as I described before "A pipe at the turd plant" ( And what are pipes at the turd plant full of Chiseldick ? )


Whoever you are, he is is right though, you are a c***, a sad boring c***, who comes on a Morrissey website spouting all sorts of c***ish shit like Torrissey. Do you think the majority of people here give a shit about your c***ish views or the fact you are a f***ing butcher?

Have you ever stopped to think some people might just like his music and don't give a shit about his views or yours you c***

Why don't you just f*** of and keep to picking cows eyes out with your pen knife you knob!!
Whoever you are, he is is right though, you are a c***, a sad boring c***, who comes on a Morrissey website spouting all sorts of c***ish shit like Torrissey. Do you think the majority of people here give a shit about your c***ish views or the fact you are a f***ing butcher?

Have you ever stopped to think some people might just like his music and don't give a shit about his views or yours you c***

Why don't you just f*** of and keep to picking cows eyes out with your pen knife you knob!!

Who is Torrissey ?
Yet another pipe just like Chiseldick ! Next !

Whoever you are, he is is right though, you are a c***, a sad boring c***, who comes on a Morrissey website spouting all sorts of c***ish shit like Torrissey. Do you think the majority of people here give a shit about your c***ish views or the fact you are a f***ing butcher?

Have you ever stopped to think some people might just like his music and don't give a shit about his views or yours you c***

Why don't you just f*** of and keep to picking cows eyes out with your pen knife you knob!!

You really don't get it do you Surfarse ? It's ok for Mr Tosserrey to slag people off and come up with playground name insults.Yet you are offended by me for doing exactly the same !
Nah nah nah an nah ! ! I'm loving it ! (It's really laughable)

14 words from Morrissey and this happens. Gosh. Betty the Buncher makes the most pro-Moz fanboy/girl seem positively grounded. We keep hearing about the cult of Moz, but the cult of the Anti-Moz is caked in rabid foam.

Me, I just like the songs. Morrissey's written and sung lots of them. Many are outstanding. Others are very good. A few are simply 'okay'. There's the odd dud. But some of them are truly beautiful. I'm as thankful as someone ought to be when he receives a gift he didn't even ask for. But it's a million miles away from worship. It's just, you know, "cheers, mate." :o
Now Benjamin, I don't want you to listen to all those nasty boys.
They're just being mean.
And don't ask me what a c*** is!
I send to condolences to Morrissey because I know that artists & entertainers (including puppet characters) as well as friends & family are important to him, the loss of whom affects him as he is a feeling, caring person. I call him "my Mozzer" as a term of endearment.

con·do·lence [kuhn-doh-luhns]
Often, condolences. expression of sympathy with a person who is suffering sorrow, misfortune, or grief.
Also, con·dole·ment.

1595–1605; condole + -ence

term of endearment
(1) A word or phrase used to address and/or describe a person or animal for which the speaker feels love or affection. A pet name. Often annoying to every one else except the speaker and the person/animal being referred to.

Why are you sending condolences to Morrissey? It's inappropriate as he wasn't related to Bob Hoskins.

Are you related to Morrissey? Why do you call him 'my Mozzer'? I can understand you feel you have a personal relationship to his products as a consumer, so i assume you mean "My Mozzer CDs/downloads/t-shirts/concert tickets".
You really don't get it do you Surfarse ? It's ok for Mr Tosserrey to slag people off and come up with playground name insults.Yet you are offended by me for doing exactly the same !
Nah nah nah an nah ! ! I'm loving it ! (It's really laughable)


No butcher, you don't get it, some people just like his music, I am one of them. I do not care for his views or anything else he come out with, just the music.

Btw, I suggest you wear one of your butcher t shirts to a Manchester gig, you may find yourself being butchered. You think you are clever and smart, you are not, just simply someone who gets a semi on by riling people with your anti comments on a website regarding a singer.
Listen mate I'm totally lost on this theory/plot of yours, so your gonna have to explain your thinking for me and others.
Gary Bushel/Morrissey I have no idea what the connection is and I swear that on my son's lives !
You can run it as long as you want I won't lose any sleep but I'm sorry I cannot engage with you if I don't have a fookin clue what your banging on about, so Charlie Chiseldick you remain as I described before "A pipe at the turd plant" ( And what are pipes at the turd plant full of Chiseldick ? )


Jesus, settle down Gary. It's only an Internet forum where you're the resident c***. Get over it.
Well we are almost there ! It's "Showtime" folks.
Our supa-hero Dr Do-Little, a,k,a, Ste-Mo from the Salford school of limpcocks is about to attempt to 'perform'yet another tour of around 27 dates over the next couple of months, all those who have tickets must be shitting in their pants praying his heart can carry on beating and he can afford some gasoline for the covered wagon to transport the performing puppets that stand in the background dressed up in their Tosser t-shirts and cock-frocks.
So let's have some fun shall we ? Predictions please . . . . . . !
How many 'performances' will he manage this time around ?
Who will be struck down with illness ?
Will he wear a "Benny-the-British-Butcher" "My meat is well hung" T-shirt ?
What illnesses are there left for him to contract (apart from mental)
Will he insist on taking his shirt off and throwing it to the lemmings
Will he still insist security let the lemmings on stage to be blessed by the hand of Toss
Or any others please


Four days to go 'YIKES'
Now Benjamin, I don't want you to listen to all those nasty boys.
They're just being mean.
And don't ask me what a c*** is!

I think what they are trying to say Peterb is yes he is a tosser and yes he is whacko and says stupid childish hurtful things to people via a puppet-zine instead of to their face ! Yes he tells little porky pies about why he's cancelled the latest gig, yes he likes to take us to the cleaners with re-issues and re-packages and yes the band might be crap and even if the new songs are crap ! You know what we don't care we like the old songs (oh and we are lemmings as well )

By the way Peterb, what's a ! ! ! ! Oh never mind I must go the queue is getting bigger it's the Bank holiday B B Q season and it's flying off the hangers, kerching !

Guys you are falling into his trap again, DO NOT FEED THE TROLL, the best way to deal with benny the bawbag is to ignore him, when that happens he starts replying to his own posts and makes himself look like a even bigger arsehole. There are quite a few posters on here with anti- moz views who are worth engaging with because they are either intelligent, interesting or funny, I'm thinking of brummie, barleycorn, reality, Peter, but benny the bawbag is neither intelligent, interesting or funny, he's just a dick with no friends and no life so please just ignore him and hopefully he'll go away
May I speak for you Brummie?
It was a joke. And a good one.
Quite obvious really.
You guys should chill.
Yes I know it was funny. I could just be setting em' up for BB.
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