We'll Let You Know, Indeed...




He said sometime about 3 or 4 years ago, maybe less, that "We'll Let You Know," is one of his favorite songs...that was during the years of Your Arsenal though. Maybe it has changed since then. Hmmm...However. I seem to recall as well that he said it best described what he feels. So, I don't think it has anything to do with any lads, or whatever other theory exists. Of course, we all have our own ideas of what the songs mean to us, how they say what we ache to say, etc. This was directly from the mouth itself- however, we all know how he can be at his silly sarchasm...Right?

Suzanne, I really don't like that you enjoy one of my fav's so much, but I guess it is telling me something about you and me...I also enjoy "Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself..." I mean, come on- the sanest days are mad?...yes. Most definitely. Or is life plainly sick and cruel instead- yes...I think it so.
> Mimi.

> He said sometime about 3 or 4 years ago, maybe less, that
> "We'll Let You Know," is one of his favorite
> songs...that was during the years of Your Arsenal though. Maybe
> it has changed since then. Hmmm...However. I seem to recall as
> well that he said it best described what he feels. So, I don't
> think it has anything to do with any lads, or whatever other
> theory exists. Of course, we all have our own ideas of what the
> songs mean to us, how they say what we ache to say, etc. This
> was directly from the mouth itself- however, we all know how he
> can be at his silly sarchasm...Right?

Thank you, that's quite reasuring... And seen in that light I guess it's true and it describes best what he's about. And we.
I'm the boogeyman...booooo

> Suzanne, I really don't like that you enjoy one of my fav's so
> much,

Do you realize we like the same artist?

...and Folly runs out of the building screaming because she didn't figure that until now....
HA! You are making me laugh- cut that out!

> Do you realize we like the same artist?

> ...and Folly runs out of the building screaming because she
> didn't figure that until now....

That never occured to me- I thought you just came in to be smart to everyone! I have seen the light of the existential 'Suzanne.' Who are you; where can I get some of your amazing DNA for cloning?! It's the wave of the future- I'm sure Nader is all over it

...Then Folly trips and chips her tooth; remembering this is why she NEVER runs from a building, unless it is falling in on her. "Damn! I should have just walked out gracefully, or danced; YES danced...that would have been much better. Oh, now look ::blotting at shirt:: I've gotten blood all down the front of this brand new Gucci. How silly of me!" Looking up, "Oh! Moz! I never thought YOU'D be in here! And right after Suzanne went and humiliated me once again. I always said I wouldn't jump onstage during a performance because my clumsy foot would get me in trouble in front of you, and here I am. Well, I suppose that's fate for ya!"...

Ba dum bum.

Love ya, Suzie. I get the fuzzies from you...
Re: HA! You are making me laugh- cut that out!

> That never occured to me- I thought you just came in to be smart
> to everyone! I have seen the light of the existential 'Suzanne.'
> Who are you; where can I get some of your amazing DNA for
> cloning?! It's the wave of the future- I'm sure Nader is all
> over it

> ...Then Folly trips and chips her tooth; remembering this is why
> she NEVER runs from a building, unless it is falling in on her.
> "Damn! I should have just walked out gracefully, or danced;
> YES danced...that would have been much better. Oh, now look
> ::blotting at shirt:: I've gotten blood all down the front of
> this brand new Gucci. How silly of me!" Looking up,
> "Oh! Moz! I never thought YOU'D be in here! And right after
> Suzanne went and humiliated me once again. I always said I
> wouldn't jump onstage during a performance because my clumsy
> foot would get me in trouble in front of you, and here I am.
> Well, I suppose that's fate for ya!"...

and he says, "Um, that's nice, but have you seen Suzanne around here? I was supposed to meet her, but I keep having these people with chipped teeth who aren't paying attention to anything, dancing the Roger Rabbit right into my gut. You are the 5th one today."

"That means Suzanne is near-by."

"Good! How can I find her?"

"See that severed arm? Take a right by that, and follow the trail of bone chips. That will take you to HER LAIR"

"ooh.. in capital letters and everything! sounds really posh. Nice meeting you. Say, would you like me to autograph something?"

"Yes, I want you to write on my stomach "Morrissey was here" and draw an arrow pointing to my....."

And with that, passers-by hear a shriek and a terrified rock-star running out of the building cupping his ears in disbelief.

> Ba dum bum.

> Love ya, Suzie. I get the fuzzies from you...
Re: HA! You are making me laugh- cut that out!

> and he says, "Um, that's nice, but have you seen Suzanne
> around here? I was supposed to meet her, but I keep having these
> people with chipped teeth who aren't paying attention to
> anything, dancing the Roger Rabbit right into my gut. You are
> the 5th one today."

> "That means Suzanne is near-by."

> "Good! How can I find her?"

> "See that severed arm? Take a right by that, and follow the
> trail of bone chips. That will take you to HER LAIR"

> "ooh.. in capital letters and everything! sounds really
> posh. Nice meeting you. Say, would you like me to autograph
> something?"

> "Yes, I want you to write on my stomach "Morrissey was
> here" and draw an arrow pointing to my....."

> And with that, passers-by hear a shriek and a terrified
> rock-star running out of the building cupping his ears in
> disbelief.

Dear GOD! You must stop! Honestly- I'm starting to enjoy this...it is sick, but it feels so good.

...Now :::stumbling back up from where I was pushed by Morrissey::: where did he run off to? It just says "Mor," with an arrow pointing up! That's not right. Damned English/Irish fool. :::walking gingerly across trail of chipped teeth and bones::: I wonder how you get this Gold pen off? Soap, or alcohol. If I can get oatmeal outta carpet, I can get permanent gold marker off flabby skin, by george!...

Kisses Suzanne- you've done it again :::walking away, clapping:::
Re: HA! You are making me laugh- cut that out!

> Dear GOD! You must stop! Honestly- I'm starting to enjoy
> this...it is sick, but it feels so good.

> ...Now :::stumbling back up from where I was pushed by
> Morrissey::: where did he run off to? It just says
> "Mor," with an arrow pointing up! That's not right.
> Damned English/Irish fool. :::walking gingerly across trail of
> chipped teeth and bones::: I wonder how you get this Gold pen
> off? Soap, or alcohol. If I can get oatmeal outta carpet, I can
> get permanent gold marker off flabby skin, by george!...

But you lift up a fold of skin and find the rest of the missing scrawl

"here ye may find me..."

and you stop to have to lift up another fold of skin, "...me lucky charms."

and you stare in bewilderment.

"did he actually write the word 'me' twice? I thought he was supposed to be some grammatical guru."

there was something else strange. "I thought I would have at least remembered him touching THOSE. Especially since it's been so long...."

Meanwhile, Morrissey was having problems of his own. Big problems. Really big problems. He lost sight of the severed arm and couldn't figure out how to get to THE LAIR.

He looked around and hoped for a sign. Not even a bone shard.

"damn. suzanne is becoming much cleaner in her work."

He kept looking. It was hopeless. He was about to give up, when he suddenly felt eyes burning into him.

"Oh my, someone is staring at my arse!"

He turns around and it's Suzanne.

"oh, thank God!" he breathed a sigh of relief.

She kept staring.

"I thought I had lost you for good! Where have you been?"

"oh..." she smiled.

"I have something very important to talk to you about..."

"mmm hmm."

"do you mind?" he said a bit peeved.


"My eyes are up here"


And the camera pans away from their hopeless bickering, as we go back to Folly, as she calls her dentist on a Saturday.

"Yes, I was running, and I knocked my tooth out. It's spurting blood."

"are you in pain?"

"well, i did take some ibuprofen, but i did lose a tooth, i think i might like to have it put back in."

"OK, i'll call the doctor and tell him."


and she stands by the phone for 2 hours.

"Damn dental HMOs" she muttered.
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