What was the greatest TV show of all time, in any genre, any era, any language?

Re: Belle and Sebastian

I bet some dufflecoat-wearing student has paid about 50 quid on ebay for that under the misapprehension that it was some rare promo!

> here's a colour pic!
> looks like it's a single and all eh!
> Grim

> p.s. not some jumped up indie band eh!
Re: Belle and Sebastian

> I bet some dufflecoat-wearing student has paid about 50 quid on ebay for
> that under the misapprehension that it was some rare promo!

Fifty three pounds and twenty eight pence. Looks like it'll be bread and water for my tea for the next week.
> That'd be sgt.Benton there on the left of the pic, wouldn't it?

Indeed it would. He was of great support to the Doctor in difficult times.

We're all very proud of him.


hey no doubt some shyster (me me me) will boot it on for £££'s

2ndly though returning to the original thread
Champion The Wonder Horse!
P.S. do I have some beastiality in me, the second fav show as an animal context eh?
70's - Welcome Back Kotter

80's - Cheers

90's - Seinfeld
Have you watched the Facts of Life lately?

I loved it as a kid. Now it makes me groan.

By the way, here's Lisa Whelchel's online diary: http://www.lisawhelchel.com/lkentry1.html

And no, I don't believe she's a Born Again Christian. She's always been that kooky. Remember when Natalie (aka "the fat one") became the first Facts of Life girl to lose her virginity (to her disgusting boyfriend -- I think his name was Snake)? Well, originally Blair was supposed to lose hers, but Lisa wouldn't allow it because of her religious beliefs.
Re: Have you watched the Facts of Life lately?

> I loved it as a kid. Now it makes me groan.

> By the way, here's Lisa Whelchel's online diary:
> http://www.lisawhelchel.com/lkentry1.html And no, I don't believe she's a
> Born Again Christian. She's always been that kooky. Remember when Natalie
> (aka "the fat one") became the first Facts of Life girl to lose
> her virginity (to her disgusting boyfriend -- I think his name was Snake)?
> Well, originally Blair was supposed to lose hers, but Lisa wouldn't allow
> it because of her religious beliefs.

I don't understand, you don't believe she's a born again? Of course she is, it's all about God with her...and those poor kids of hers, roaming around in that RV..with names like Haven and Clancy and I can't remember the others.I've read her online diary before, it scares the living shit out of me.
Her daughter was probably thinking 'yeah okay, I won't buy the damn skirt because if I do than I'll have to hear you nag me everytime I wear it'.
We get the repeats here on our Satellite dish and I like watching them, takes me back. I'd go back and forth with Nat and Blair being my favourites as a kid.
Re: Have you watched the Facts of Life lately?

> I don't understand, you don't believe she's a born again? Of course she
> is, it's all about God with her...and those poor kids of hers, roaming
> around in that RV..with names like Haven and Clancy and I can't remember
> the others.I've read her online diary before, it scares the living shit
> out of me.
> Her daughter was probably thinking 'yeah okay, I won't buy the damn skirt
> because if I do than I'll have to hear you nag me everytime I wear it'.
> We get the repeats here on our Satellite dish and I like watching them,
> takes me back. I'd go back and forth with Nat and Blair being my
> favourites as a kid.

I don't think she's a Born Again because she's always been ultra Christian like that. I don't think she's a Born Again in the same sense as someone who led a wild life for a while and then found Jesus. I think she was pretty much raised that way and has lived that way her whole life, although she has probably gotten stricter in recent years.

Anyway, on the one hand, I understand some of her concerns. A thong for a ten year old is a bit much, especially ones emblazoned with saucy slogans. So I respect her standing her ground with her kids. I have a problem with Abercrombie anyway, but she does take it a little too far probably and comes off as a bit of a hysteric.

And hey, Nat and Blair were my favorites too. Jo was too butch and Tootie was too annoying.
Re: Have you watched the Facts of Life lately?

> I don't think she's a Born Again because she's always been ultra Christian
> like that. I don't think she's a Born Again in the same sense as someone
> who led a wild life for a while and then found Jesus. I think she was
> pretty much raised that way and has lived that way her whole life,
> although she has probably gotten stricter in recent years.

> Anyway, on the one hand, I understand some of her concerns. A thong for a
> ten year old is a bit much, especially ones emblazoned with saucy slogans.
> So I respect her standing her ground with her kids. I have a problem with
> Abercrombie anyway, but she does take it a little too far probably and
> comes off as a bit of a hysteric.

> And hey, Nat and Blair were my favorites too. Jo was too butch and Tootie
> was too annoying.

Oh I see what you meant) I know what you mean about the thong but she should have let her have the frickin skirt....A bit too godly for my liking.
Re: Have you watched the Facts of Life lately?

Definitely too godly for my liking. Her kids are going to grow up to be so messed up! They'll probably hate her too.

Her tactic with her daughter seemed a little too close to "conditional love" to me. Like "You can do whatever you like. Just remember that I will strongly disapprove if you make the wrong decision." What that tells a little kid is "I won't love you if you make the wrong decision." Even if that's not what she meant (and I doubt it is), that's the message it sends. My mom used to use that crappy tactic on me all the time.
Re: I wanted Tootie as my girlfriend!

She's why I learned to roller skate.
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