Recent content by tigergolf06

  1. tigergolf06

    Ally Pally...worth it? and when will we see Moz again?

    Well I hope he releases another album, but for some reason I think he may be done. Don't know why, just my gut feeling.
  2. tigergolf06

    Is Morrissey ever going to get married?

    Damn you're right..wait a minute. You mean the "was" part of the line?
  3. tigergolf06

    Is YOR a grower for you?

    So, no, it's not a grower. I find most Morrissey albums to be growers, some longer than others to appreciate.
  4. tigergolf06


    Wasn't Vaux supposed to be something of a swan-song? Of course that didn't end up happening but..
  5. tigergolf06


    It's quite a dreamy, hazy song isn't it? Good for night time.
  6. tigergolf06

    Is Morrissey ever going to get married?

    The women of his dreams..well there never was one..
  7. tigergolf06

    Most remarkable, ground-breaking and original moments!

    Brilliant, amazing song. I love when the tom-tom drums come in after the initial sample in the beginning-- totally awesome and pumping!
  8. tigergolf06


    Just an exquisite song..
  9. tigergolf06

    Is YOR a grower for you?

    I think it's as immediately appealing a group of songs they've made perhaps ever. Certainly over the past few albums. But that kind of takes away from the replay value a bit in my opinion.
  10. tigergolf06


    Don't know why but it just hit me today during my lunchbreak at work how amazing of a song this's totally mindblowing! :thumb:
  11. tigergolf06

    Favorite Falsetto

    Currently my favorite high register, too! :)
  12. tigergolf06

    What lyric describes you today ?

    I'm finding that out now, haha, thanks again! :)
  13. tigergolf06

    "First of the Gang to Die" in Pitchfork Top 200 Tracks of the Decade

    It's not boring..anything but! I find it very intense, fun, and funny! :thumb: :guitar:
  14. tigergolf06

    What lyric describes you today ?

    Haha, I did the SAME thing! :) Thank you so much! I can't believe I didn't find this place earlier.
  15. tigergolf06

    "First of the Gang to Die" in Pitchfork Top 200 Tracks of the Decade

    I surely hope so! Hopefully people won't overlook it. :straightface:
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