Is Morrissey ever going to get married?

Oscar Wilde said something along the lines of . . .

' To love oneself is a lifelong love affair'

. . .and when you love you completely, you can love your soulmate completely.

The ropes are untied, the weights are lifted now M - you are no longer in the dock and the sprinting, ceylon clipper ship upon which you stand;

in full sail to your Trojan land . . .

Thank you Oscar.

I cannot see it happening. Morrissey is not a believer in humans cohabitating together. He said as much in an interview once. He obviously has had people throwing themselves at him for many years now. Perhaps someone will sweep him off his feet one day but no time soon I don't think. He is far too private, too, to publicize anything of the sort. Just my feelings on his situation. I think he is totally unobtainable to mere mortals. Now excuse me while I go back to my fantasy world.
Now excuse me while I go back to my fantasy world.

I think we come from the same place, except mine has a secret language where when I ask Morrissey when he's going to save me, the answer is two parts:

1. I promise to come for for.

2. I have no intention of ever meeting her.
I don't see Morrissey ever getting married - to a woman or man. He's too much of an introvert and way too private to share his life with another person. I think he would get bored, pissed off, and end it quick. Some people just aren't made for marriage. I think he even said that he thought it was quite possible to go through life never finding someone to love or to love you back.

Nope. He's not made for such things.
I don't see Morrissey ever getting married - to a woman or man. He's too much of an introvert and way too private to share his life with another person. I think he would get bored, pissed off, and end it quick. Some people just aren't made for marriage. I think he even said that he thought it was quite possible to go through life never finding someone to love or to love you back.

Nope. He's not made for such things.


Welcome, by the way. :)
Don't tell anyone I told you . . . but . . . . as soon as you hear about M getting married, book in to stay somewhere in Manchester . . . there will be the biggest party there ever! :sweet:

Keep it a secret though . . . . :thumb:

since he is a very private person it could be possible he has already been married or at least in a long term relationship w/o any of us knowing. wouldnt be that surprised after all he IS morrissey.:crazy:

This is probably true. :tears: (Did I mention I'm on my period? I'm prone to hitting the tears emoticon but you can't make me cry.)
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