About comics: Morrissey photo comic story made by my daughter

Ok, I can agree with you on that, but there are ways and ways to say things... And I would never stick my nose inside a family way of life or judge them. If my daughter had said something about drug use or explicit sex behavior in the comic, then of course I'd be worried too, but that's not the case...

She talked about vegetarianism, portraited herself as a funny monster in the story and made Morrissey invite the monster to have spaghetti with soy meatballs... But you all just stopped in the "sexy" word... Could it be that in English, the word "sexy" is stronger than we take it in Spanish? Otherwise I can't understand such a fuss for something that was only intended to be funny by her and by me. Why always see the dirty side of things...

It's not dirty, it's just that nine is too young to be thinking about anybody being "sexy." I know full well that six year old girls are worrying about whether they look "sexy" these days, but I don't like it.

I think it's entirely possible that the word has stronger connotations in American English than it does in Spanish, that's why I mentioned it.

My main point, still, was that you probably shouldn't have posted anything about it, because she is a child and deserves to be completely protected from adult scrutiny via the Internet- and in person.

It was a cute comic, though, and she did an awesome job. My 7 year old drew a picture of a robot lobster monster snapping Morrissey's head off with his claw. It's not that the Kid doesn't like Moz, that's just his way of showing affection!
(...)and spend more time with your daughter, letting her be a little girl, before it's too late. Kids are only kids for a short while. It's clear your daughter is very intelligent, but that doesn't mean she should be exposed to the full range of adult life, as it sounds she is.

Again: You don't know her nor me... What makes you think or judge I don't spend time with her?

She's as much a little girl as she can many times be more centered than an adult... And you know what? I don't have to be giving explanations anymore about her, or me, or anything... This was a work of her creativity, that's all... If you want to see the devil in it, it's your reflection and thinking, not mine or hers...

:yawn: I'm tired and I'm off work now...
Oh, do post a scan of that, pur-lease! We need some levity in this thread, after all.

I can't find it. I was going to bring it to a show and give it to him, but I've already made a fool of myself in front of him at shows, I would not like to be added to any 'do-not-admit list' in case I get a chance to go to another show someday.

Someday it will turn up, it's around my office here somewhere.
It's not dirty, it's just that nine is too young to be thinking about anybody being "sexy." I know full well that six year old girls are worrying about whether they look "sexy" these days, but I don't like it.

I think it's entirely possible that the word has stronger connotations in American English than it does in Spanish, that's why I mentioned it.

My main point, still, was that you probably shouldn't have posted anything about it, because she is a child and deserves to be completely protected from adult scrutiny via the Internet- and in person.

It was a cute comic, though, and she did an awesome job. My 7 year old drew a picture of a robot lobster monster snapping Morrissey's head off with his claw. It's not that the Kid doesn't like Moz, that's just his way of showing affection!

The example you just gave could perfectly make me think that you ban a kid saying sexy, but you find "affectionate" a (ironical tone) violent, rude and crude drawing of a monster lobster snapping someone's head off...

Based on that, I could make an scandal and tell you exactly the same things you told me about my daughter: That you should password-protect violent content access or don't allow her/him to watch some cartoons or the news or the whole TV, because his/her drawing is a proof of how violent you're kid is growing up and little 7y-o kids shouldn't be thinking of that kind of crude violence... Or do you think is normal for a kid to show affection by ripping off people's bodyparts??!!

So, the "sexy" word is twisted, but violence and death is not... Do you realize what I mean? I'm not critizcing, but just revealing the double standards to judge and show things...

Do you get my point now??
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I am SO glad I just read that! I really needed to laugh and I can't stop cracking up from this. You're kid is awesome! :D
I know that I've made my own contributions to this argument (then deleted some), but this thread is perilously close to needing the "arguing on the Internet" graphic that I'd rather not have to use. Maybe tmyem! will save me the trouble.
The example you just gave could perfectly make me think that you ban a kid saying sexy, but you find "affectionate" a (ironical tone) violent, rude and crude drawing of a monster lobster snapping someone's head off...

Based on that, I could make an scandal and tell you exactly the same things you told me about my daughter: That you should password-protect violent content access or don't allow her/him to watch some cartoons or the news or the whole TV, because his/her drawing is a proof of how violent you're kid is growing up and little 7y-o kids shouldn't be thinking of that kind of crude violence... Or do you think is normal for a kind to show affection by ripping off people's bodyparts??!!

So, the "sexy" word is twisted, but violence and death is not... Do you realize what I mean? I'm not critizcing, but just revealing the double standards to judge and show things...

Do you get my point now??

No. I do not. Stick figure cartoon lobsters and singers are not the same as actual photographs of a hot, sexy man. Exploring violence through play, building Lego buildings and then smashing them, drawing robots and alien explosions, are age-appropriate. Exploring the concepts of adult sexuality is not age-appropriate.

Do you get my point now?
I know that I've made my own contributions to this argument (then deleted some), but this thread is perilously close to needing the "arguing on the Internet" graphic that I'd rather not have to use. Maybe tmyem! will save me the trouble.

Do you mean the typing until the hands disintegrate into a bloody splash one? I love that gif.

Or one with a kitten hiding its eyes... there are so many.

Nope, I'm done. Other things to do.
Yeah, NRITH, that's pretty low. I'm not arguing. I'm telling her how she's wrong. She just isn't listening.

***I'm sorry, Ceci!*** I'm just being unnecessarily flippant. I know you're a good mom. I just get my hackles up because kids grow up too fast these days.
I agree! hehe

Thank you Corrs!!! You know, I've never forced her into anything, so I'm so proud that she's making her own decision in liking Morrissey and his music! QUOTE]

Ceci, you seem like a kind person, and I don't want to offend, but are you f***ing kidding me??

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I agree! hehe

Thank you Corrs!!! You know, I've never forced her into anything, so I'm so proud that she's making her own decision in liking Morrissey and his music! QUOTE]

Ceci, you seem like a kind person, and I don't want to offend, but are you f***ing kidding me??


haha, shes gonna grow up and HATE Morrissey cuz she heard him so much as a young child. its gonna happen!
You know what... I won't keep saying anything... you can say whatever you want because it's all from your imagination... You don't live with me, don't know me or my daughter, haven't ever seen our daily life, so all you've saying all this time is just speculation...

And she won't hate Morrissey because she listens to him whenever she wants on her own computer or mp3 player... We don't have a music multisystem player (taken by burglars 18 months ago), so I can't play anything... When I listen to him is on my iPod, computer or when she wants to see some of the DVDs I have...

See how you all speculate and make things up, out of your flying imagination? You are clueless, you have no idea...

I have so many things to do, like i.e. working to feed my daughter... Keep imagining and inveting things if you want... I'm off...
Ceci, don't sweat what peeps are saying. You seem to be a great Mom with a very creative/imaginative daughter. Nothing wrong with that. I think people are over-reacting to this. If Morrissey (and loving him) is a bad influence on our kids, I 'spose I'll be the next Mom to get beaten up.
I don't think it's fair how a lot of people are attacking Ceci here - you're all forgetting one thing - language difference!! Are you all sure that the word translated from the comic into 'sexy' means the same in Ceci's country as it does over here! Yes, Ceci is using the word sexy in her translation, but perhaps that word doesn't have the same connotations in her country as it does over here. For instance, I learnt that the swedish for cheeky is 'busiga'. Years later, when I used the word on a Swedish friends' child, meaning it in an affectionate way, as I believed that affection was inferred in the word anyway, she got very offended! Apparently, it's not as light-hearted a word as I thought it was. So remember that. Things can get lost in translation.
I don't think it's fair how a lot of people are attacking Ceci here - you're all forgetting one thing - language difference!! Are you all sure that the word translated from the comic into 'sexy' means the same in Ceci's country as it does over here!

Look, her blog bio states

Morrissey's Secret Wife: The woman of his dreams... Now there is one... In Real Life: Radio journalist, music dependant, professional dreamer, Newyorker in the heart, proud mom, future One Hit Wonder, writer, songwriter... "I was born in Santiago, but New York is my native city".

Has she lived in NYC? I don't know; I'm sure that she can answer that. In any event, her English in flawless, and I'd say that there's zero chance that her interpretation of "sexy" is any different from that of any native English speaker. By all means, continue the argument, but let's not fool ourselves with this "language barrier" nonsense.
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