Album news on TTY


but truthfully part of me is thankful that there won't be any live dates until early 2009, because I just remodeled the bathroom (over budget!) bought a new car out of necessity (old one died) and bought a new TV (old one died) an my home computer is about 6 weeks from croaking (Currently backing up every file, especially my music!)

So I could use a bit of time to replenish the coffers a bit before some discretionary Morrissey spending.

However I will be a little stressed out until live dates are announced because I have a work trip scheduled for Jan 20-28 and if I miss out on any pre-album warm up shows I will cry.

But enough about me....
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Curses...but at least we now have a statement - Feb's a long wait so it should be supported properly. Live dates....that's what I was still hoping for.

There. That's better. The bastards. *shakes fist*
Curses...but at least we now have a statement

Yes, at least we know whats going on (sort of...) Better than having to check this site 8 times a day for some glimmer of news.

(which I will still do of course!) :D
roll on february :'(
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