All New Misheard Lyrics

When The National Front Disco came out I thought David was going to the next road I like to sing it this way for laughs thinking: "No I'm not going to turn here, I am going to the next road."
'The Boy Racer' used to confuse me when it was first released. I couldn't figure out what he was saying in the lines "he thinks he got the whole world in his hands, stood at the urinal". The best I could come up with was "stood at the door, I know".

Me, too. I couldn't figure out why, when I signed up here, there were frequent references to urinals.

Another lyric I had wrong on Southpaw Grammar was in 'Southpaw':
"And you went back to Mars,
Which set the pace for the rest of your days"
which never really made a whole lot of sense to me, but of course I still sung it at the top of my lungs. :o:p

I love singing that bit, also at the top of my lungs.
"Punch a bicycle on a hillside, yes, ole"

"Oh he said he'd cure your ills, but he didn't even pay the bill"

please don't , I just head a bellyache an pain in me chest from laughing
out loud on the floor

the homocide one is a great one too

I definately could use a laugh after a misreable, difficult week
[and it didn;t even end]
In a Song From Under The Floorboards it goes:

"I used to make phantoms I could later chase"

but of course I managed to hear it is as

"I used to make Fanta out of paper chains"

Love PTxx.
When "These Things Take Time" came up earlier this week in the Top 100-Poll it reminded me that for quite a long time I heard:

"You took me behind, at this you draw the line" :confused:

instead of:

"You took me behind a disused railway line"
Ok, so this isn't a lyric mishearing and doesn't have THAT much to do with Moz; but I couldn't really anywhere else to post this.

Was I the only one who wanted a George Formby grill after not hearing that what it actually said was Foreman. I had this vision of a small ukelele shaped sandwich grill machine.

Love PTxx.
In the falsetto wailing at the end of "Miserable Lie," I thought he was saying, "I feel them closing all behind," but always wondered why he said "all" instead of "in." Also, I thought it was "I hear your voice" instead of "I need advice." Wasn't until I found the Bootlegs section here that I heard versions where the correct lyrics were more decipherable.
Misheard Lyrics

The previous one had been archived.

Rather embarrasing one, that only dawned on me just now.

'CDs and t-shirts, promos and God knows
you know I couldn't last'

I heard

'CD's and t-shirts, promos, Garden Gnombes, oh you know I couldn't last'
Re: Misheard Lyrics

The previous one had been archived.

Rather embarrasing one, that only dawned on me just now.

'CDs and t-shirts, promos and God knows
you know I couldn't last'

I heard

'CD's and t-shirts, promos, Garden Gnombes, oh you know I couldn't last'

hahahaha! :D

Re: Misheard Lyrics

The previous one had been archived.

Rather embarrasing one, that only dawned on me just now.

'CDs and t-shirts, promos and God knows
you know I couldn't last'

I heard

'CD's and t-shirts, promos, Garden Gnombes, oh you know I couldn't last'

Re: Misheard Lyrics

hahahaha! :D


You know I gotta 'shop that Gnome... and I have to work to do, but too bad.

Anyway, my misheard lyric isn't very funny, but, in "Interesting Drug," where the lyric is, "once poor, always poor" I always heard, "the ones who always... oh!"
Certain People I Know:

"they break their necks and count to four to get them fixed"

i'm assuming it's actually can't afford but since there's no lyric sheet, who knows?

There's probably tons of lyrics I've got all screwed up in my brain...but the only one I can think of is from "Your The One For Me, Fatty"

I used to think it was:
"All we're about to see is some hope and some despair"
not "All over Battersea, some hope and some despair"

Um...when I first heard Interesting Drug, I would be singing away going "There are some bad people on the right" :o I just thought he was going real political or something.

i thought these same ones, too!
Hehe. That's pretty good.

I had an early test pressing of Southpaw Grammar with no tracklisting, and was big on the tune, Rita Meet Arthur.


I think I butchered "Nobody Loves Us" quite a bit:

"Nighttimes fine, never mind things can only improve..."

and my favorite,

"We are adjusted here, waiting for the next great wound..."

Only just worked out the Heir Apparent lyrics

"Theyll seduce your heart and then theyll slap your arse"

I always thought it was:

"They'll seduce your heart and then they'll snap your arms"

Bit of a pointless thread I know, but I just thought I would do anyway!

Love PTxx.
clean ur ears funny haunted bicycle lyrics
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