any one want to make a confession!

Last week I spent 50 minutes on the phone ordering checks for our company. We've used them before -just needed to get more and change the address on them. Sounds EZ, but I must have said my name, co name, address, etc. over 20 times... the checks came and were still wrong :mad: Not only did I call about the mistake but bitched about the language barrier -which is really no excuse- and the utter incompetency! :mad: Customer service, my arse!!

Maybe because you were speaking English English, not American English? :D
The dog a while ago stood on the poof(you know bean baggie thingy)and ate half the OH's tea.So i just put the leftovers on a smaller plate and grinned whilst the OH ate has moments of sheer bliss.:):D
i hope that i don't sound insincere - but i am far more remorseful for all of the 'good deeds' that i have done for parasitic ingrates over the years. the phrase 'no good deed goes unpunished' is true the majority of the time.

the only thing that i feel really bad about, is one time, i accidentally killed a beretta fish, in a crazy science experiment (as a reasonably precocious child).

i also feel bad about one other thing... but... i have made amends with her. i'm afraid that i shall never be able to make it up to ol' 'reddie' though...
oh one more thing i feel bad about...
i had a mouse in my house.. and i tried to catch him with those 'humane' mouse traps that just capture the mouse in a little rectangular plastic box (you know, so you can let free in the back yard, and he can come back in your house again)... well THAT didn't work... and i used a real mouse trap - and it snapped his face off :tears:.

then i wondered... was it just aesthetics?
the only thing that i feel really bad about, is one time, i accidentally killed a beretta fish, in a crazy science experiment (as a reasonably precocious child).
as long as there is no malicious intent it isnt anything to feel bad about! I tried to save a lizard once with a hole in its neck... kind of unrelated but anyway, it died (of course. it had a hole in its neck), and i felt bad i could not help it.

i also feel bad about one other thing... but... i have made amends with her. i'm afraid that i shall never be able to make it up to ol' 'reddie' though...
I tried to make amends with one him but he won't have any of it. and another him wanted to make amends with me, but by the time i was ready to make amends, i couldn't find him!

Sometimes, slightly often, when there's no trash can, I must find somewhere else to put my old gum.
hee hee heee
oh one more thing i feel bad about...
i had a mouse in my house.. and i tried to catch him with those 'humane' mouse traps that just capture the mouse in a little rectangular plastic box (you know, so you can let free in the back yard, and he can come back in your house again)... well THAT didn't work... and i used a real mouse trap - and it snapped his face off :tears:.

then i wondered... was it just aesthetics?
I had a mouse in my apartment (not the condo i live in now). apparently its unavoidable to have mice. but the weird thing is i didnt care. Even though he was a little bacterial vehicle sneaking into my drawer to eat my bags of peanuts, leaving his stupid little poo for me to clean up, it was WAY better and WAY less disgusting than what I had to deal with in Florida: Palmetto bugs the size of my goddam hand (roaches). Mice are cute, roaches are disgusting. If I wasn't lazy back then, i would have used a real mousetrap too, even though they are gross. at least they are effective and quick.
Not as strong as EOH thought he was.

I love you EOH, its ok. you should email me or something if you want to talk about it. :sweet:
my confession is that i watch movies illegally off the internet when im at work.

I'm in the middle of watching Half Nelson right now, but its in 4 parts and each part needs time to load. :cool:
today, for literally the first time ever, i mixed up one black girl in my class for another. oh my god! the stereotype HAPPENED to me!!!

I've only talked to one a few times and never got her name. the other one i talked to once, but got her name, and spoke with her a long time.

Argh. Im so embarrassed. She wasn't mad at me and we still had a conversation. but she totally called me out! rightfully so. but i was honest- said yeah, i did think you were someone else, but i really dont know everyone in our class yet. which is absolutely true; there's 63 people and i know about 20 names and about 5 personally so far.

I'm still completely humiliated!
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